
Also, Dick Tremayne and little Nicky who may or may not have been evil incarnate, a plotline that was just sort of dropped if memory serves.

Are you sure your high school wasn't a pyramid scheme?

Don't say that too loudly or else the fanboys will get you.


I actually thought making an Alien film would be good for Blomkamp because he could just tell a cool story without worrying about "saying something," which seems to get in the way of his own best intentions.

So long as it's done in the style of Bambi Meets Godzilla

American Sniper is mostly just a bland film. It's certainly not the kind of film the left should have gotten overly worked up about. Cooper's performance is really good. Hell, in that scene with the fake baby, he was acting for two and still doing a damn good job. There's some nuance to what he's doing and how he's

Wait, Buffalo Bill was also the police Captain in the Tony Shalhoub staring mystery show Monk?!!!!!!!

Out of curiosity and because I read the book, I went to see The Circle this weekend. Yeah, it wasn't very good. One of the problems is that the book is written in a satirical mode that's completely absent from the film. The other two Ponsoldt films I've seen, Smashed and The End of the Tour, were actually pretty funny

Media companies didn't have to prosecute leakers in order to cut down on people stealing content. They just had to making sure that downloading illegal content took a minimal amount of effort because people are lazy.

My guess is that this school is merely as tired of pop culture hot takes as the rest of us.

Let's not get crazy here. Trump is without a doubt a moron and is incompetent at his job, but he hasn't had nearly enough time to rack up the number of disasters W did in his eight years: 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan, New Orleans, and the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression. That's an impressive list

I've never seen this show, and I likely never will, but I'm happy that Christina Ricci will continue to get a steady paycheck.

I haven't seen Clash of the Titans. From reviews of both films, I would imagine that Gods of Egypt is more entertaining, although don't go in expecting a great or even good film. But it's still dumb fun.

If you choose this mission, you'll share it on your wall. I know most people won't, but the most talented secret agents will.

Hey, remember when Bill Clinton ordered missile strikes on Al Qaeda, and Republicans accused him of pulling a "Wag the Dog" because this movie had just been released? Good times.

That's true, but he seemed so on point that it also felt like Eggers was preaching through the character. I liked the approach they had in the show Enlightened where Amy was kind of crazy, but also right about two-thirds of the time.

I'm rewatching all of Jim Jarmusch's movies, and the other night I got to Broken Flowers. The final former girlfriend that Bill Murray's character visits, and she's looking kind of familiar. And then I realize, holy shit, that's Tilda Swinton, but she has long brunette hair and is wearing a flannel shirt just like

I was kind of confused by the Mercer character in the book as well. He seemed so obnoxious and yet he was also supposed to be the voice of reason. I guess if you're being generous you could say that Eggers purposefully made him obnoxious to point out how people don't want to listen to chicken littles like Mercer.

I was just thinking today about how prescient their concept album, Hallelujah! I'm a Bum, was. It pretty much identified the economic anxiety in the Midwest that would lead to Trump winning four years later. I guess Democrats should have listened to more Local H.