
It was not too long ago Netflix was claiming that with all the data they had, they'll use magical algorithms to pump out shows that people can't stop watching. But even their flagship show, House of Cards, is pretty terrible. In fact, the only really great original programming from Netflix has been that Five Came Back

I know others have mentioned this, but it's worth repeating: That's not what "bemused" means.

My reading is that it's heavily implied that he was having an affair with HBC's character. When she's confronted by Billy Crudup, she tells the story of Bloom helping fix up her house and all that, but I've always read this as the story that Bloom likes to tell so that he feels good about himself and doesn't have to

I feel like I've spent most of my life learning and trying to forget about this basic fact over and over again.

I never quite understood why these people complain that some video games might include women with more realistic appearances that don't appeal directly to the male gaze. I mean, they're complaining about this shit on the internet, so they must know that there are other sources for that kind of material, right?

I stumbled on an advertisement for those animated shorts that follows various female characters from the Star Wars movies, and I made the mistake at looking at some of the comments. Jesus Christ, what is wrong with people.

Tastes vary, but I prefer ambitious but messy films over even enjoyable and well crafted movies. I also couldn't care less about what a ten year old thinks about a film.

The movie is tonally bonkers, but it's also a fun movie pastiche. You've got some Once Upon the Time in the West, the General, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Searchers, and Dead Man all thrown in together. I don't think the movie gets enough credit for being a postmodern Western that's much more steeped in film

Yeah, Hammer has actually turned in some fun performances in some good movies that also happened to have bombed. UNCLE is underrated and I'll actually come out and defend The Long Ranger as a weird, big budgeted, revisionist Western.

I liked the concept of Voyager. There's a lot of potential in following a ship that's isolated from Starfleet and has limited resources. That premise has a ton of potential. It's too bad they ended up making the show into TNG Lite.

I have to agree with this. Enterprise's last two seasons were both pretty damn good. At its best, Voyager had a handful of episodes per season that worked.

When Wendy Williams is calling you out for saying some ignorant shit, then it means you said some really ignorant shit.

In episode two there was a Paul's letter to the Corinthians joke. I'm not sure the references are as obscure as in the original run, but they're thankfully also not all from the last decade either.

In the epic Joel v Mike debate, I think Joel definitely wins when it comes to the skits. I always thought the invention exchanges were pretty clever, and his more understated deliver worked better for the skits. I like Mike's riffing, but I always found his skits forgettable.

I just finished the first episode about an hour ago, and I honestly don't get some of the complaints. I'd say Reptilicus is an above average episode. The jokes didn't seem too too fast to me, either. Joel mentioned that he purposefully avoided talking over the movie dialogue, unlike in past episodes, and I appreciated

I thought those were two solid films that brought queer cinema into the mainstream. I really expected more from him.

Remember way back in the day after Gods and Monsters and Kinsey when it seemed like Bill Condon was a director who was ready to turn out an impressive filmography?

But at least we know that Salacious Crumb will be there. I mean, he has to be, right?

Take a gander at this pablum and weep for what poptimism has wrought.

Has Justin Theroux learned to breath through his nose this season? His mouth breathing always gets on my nerves.