
I don't know. I kind of liked it every time he gave Noah Wyle shit in E.R.

I believe the movie you're thinking of is HUDSON HAWK.

The two worst films I've seen in theaters are also movies that I've become bitter towards over the years. The more I think about them, the more I hate them.

Zack Snyder: "Jon, wait. Before you leave…I did the right thing, didn't I? The film adaptation worked out in the end."

Don't worry. I gave you a pity upvote.

Not being an Eric Clapton fan to begin with, I had no clue. I just googled "Eric Clapton racist," and, I've got to tell you, ya' learn something new every day.

In a vacuum, I don't necessarily think it's bad advice. However, I'm personally frustrated by the fact that "Lean In" feminism has completely overtaken the conversation about gender inequality.

I think funding for the piece is only part of the problem. The work of art and the breathless reaction from the press is very much of the "Lean In" variety of feminism that asks women to buck up and ask for more rather than address systemic problems in our system.

But why isn't this more well known? Wouldn't it be great if there were groups of people whose job is to write about popular culture and music, kind of like journalists? And couldn't these pop culture and music journalists cover the fact that right now is the best time ever for women in rock music? That would be pretty

Just wait a few years. Hollywood will get to it.

I feel as if we're in the midst of a women's movement in rock music, but no one's paying attention. There are more great female musicians in rock and roll right now than I can remember in my lifetime, but for whatever reason it hasn't attracted any think pieces.

The Hobbit movies weren't great, but—you know what?—I enjoyed them. And you can't take that away from me, internet.

Dolph Lundfish.

These clowns should really take their misplaced anger and focus it on the commedia dell'arte.

Are you trying to tell me that this mystical box I'm using right now is not magic?

I don't think I ever got to the Wraith Squadron books, although I've heard good things. I revisited a bunch of those Star Wars novels before The Force Awakens came out. Maybe I'll give Wraith Squadron a try.

I really liked the X-Wing books when I was a kid. I actually picked up an old copy of I, Jedi that my brother had bought decades ago and left at our parents' house. It was not very good.

I demand that any actor who portrays Peter Parker not only to have watched all three original Star Wars movies but also to have read Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy, two Kevin J. Anderson novels, at least half of Michael A. Stackpole's X-Wing series, and Shadows of the Empire (comic book or novel, but the video game

I'm not sure I can handle Noah Baumbach without Greta Gerwig around to make him bearable.

But, wait! What if I were to tell you that this time our heroes go up against a superweapon that's even deadlier than the Death Star?