
We open on Salacious Crumb gnawing on C3PO's eyeball just as R2D2 shocks him with a bolt of blue lightning, which leads to a freeze frame of Crumb with a shocked expression.

Standalone Salacious Crumb movie or GTFO.

In which gospel did Jesus eat photos of Jason Segel?

"Pop" is just an inherently better term. It's an onomatopoeia. It has energy and verve. Soda is just so damn boring.

I read somewhere once that Dr. Pepper has the largest number of knockoffs of any pop. I believe it, since it also happens to be the best pop—far better than cola, in fact.

So Kendrick Lamar is having U2 guest star on the album? Isn't it a little early for him to start campaigning for a spot in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

I wonder how much vinyl has helped out records stores. I would imagine there's a bigger margin on the sale of an actual vinyl LP than on a CD.

As others have pointed out, Trump bears a few similarities to President Johnny Gentle from Infinite Jest.

I love the contradictory subtext of of this comment. You "proudly" wear your hat that says you "'secretly'" love the ending of Lost. Well, Stan Robert, which is it? Are you proud or are you ashamed?

Maybe, maybe not. I think the most memorable parts of the series occurred in the first three seasons when they were spinning their wheels a bit. I still think these first three seasons work, largely because there's a lot of great character work and because thanks to the flashbacks you can watch an individual episode

I'm sure it will be good, but even though there's less of a divide between television and movies, I think the old adage that television is a writer's medium is still largely true.

Surprisingly, superheroes are mostly pretty bad at exploring the morality of vigilantism. There are exceptions, like The Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, but they work because they're willing to admit that having superheroes around is actually a pretty terrible idea. But it's pretty hard to do that if you're

Hush shows such great visual storytelling that I'm actually disappointed this is going to be a series instead of a film.

This is why I only travel by zeppelin. It's the most sophisticated means of transportation.

The X-Files a six pack of Zimas? Now that's a 90s revival!

One of the major problems with the revival seasons is that with six episodes, each one should have been great. Instead, it was more uneven than seasons of twenty-two or more episodes. Also, the first and last episodes were absolute shit.

Poe's Law?

Taika Waititi is an absolute delight, and this looks fan-fucking-tastic.


And I don't regret not watching these movies.