
I thought only cartoon characters ate canned spinach.

There is comfort in the idea that terrible people who are rewarded in this life will be punished in the next.

There are plenty of people I know and dislike. There are even people who I know and kind of hate. But I can't think of anyone who I know personally and hate enough to want to watch them being tortured for all of eternity. Religion is weird.

Don't worry. At some point she'll cross a line that you even you won't be able to follow.

I grew up in an evangelical household, and it's truly amazing how excited people would get about the potential end of the world and the subsequent suffering it would cause to most of humanity. They seemed pretty happy to watch masses of people tortured just so they could tell them a simple, "I told you so."

I'm not sure that I agree with the premise of the article. Whenever I read a review of a film with Kidman in it, I've found that the author mostly goes out of his or her way to praise her as a great actress and not just a "revelation." Kidman probably does have the same problem every actress encounters when they age

The Last of the Mohicans is an interesting historical artifact, but it's a mostly terrible novel. Unless you have an academic interest in popular American historical novels of the early 19th century, then it's not necessarily worth your time.

All this fighting between the two is worse than when my parents got a divorce.

I like his music, but I think his first album, Fear Fun, is both a perfect introduction and arguably his best album (although I haven't spent enough time with his new one yet).

I'm digging this album, so far. It's true that it threatens to collapse under its own weight at times. Still, this album delivers the kind of cynicism I need right now.

I die a little every time Alex Proyas comes out with a new film and it's trash.

Batman Begins and Spider-Man worked because they're dramas and character studies as much as they are superhero films. Most directors wouldn't be able to pull that off.

"So if you saw it, you probably walked in thinking you’d kill an afternoon laughing at some silly dumb shit, and you walked out feeling like you were made of pure electricity."

Without a doubt, this is the most sympathetic comment I've read on the AV Club regarding Shia LaBeouf.

The Scorpion King is still heads and shoulders above The Mummy Returns, so at least it has that going for it.

The general knock against the movie is that Edward Bloom is kind of an asshole, but the film wants us to really like him anyway. But I do think the movie criticizes the character here and there. The most obvious example is when it's revealed that he's been cheating on his wife with Helena Bonham Carter's character.

“He’s old, tired, still trying to get out of his own enslavement to Darkseid"

In their defense, it's extraordinarily easy to believe that Guy Fieri is a sexual deviant.

Big Fish is a really underrated Tim Burton film. It's a lot more nuanced than people give it credit for, and when I watched it recently, I was more sympathetic with William than I was the last time around.

Somebody uncorked the evil from the bottle and everyone disappeared, right?