
My theory is that this entire thing came about because they're pissed that people didn't rate the Ridiculous Six higher.

I blame the idiot public who are eager to slurp up reheated mush.

Well, "in the family way" is a far more dignified phrase.

When are we getting a Sliders reboot, Jerry!

But Baby Boomers were right about changing they world. They've been driving America into the ground for the last thirty years.

In season three of Daredevil Karen stumbles into becoming a neurosurgeon.

I legit cancelled my subscription to the New York Bulletin after Karen Page's terrible op-ed about what it means to be a "hero." Where's the quality control at that newspaper?

Forget The Terminator. When are we getting our King Conan movie?!!!

Babylon 5? Didn't that show basically just rip off Deep Space 9?

Thank God for white people!

The most successful King Arthur adaptations are also kind of batshits insane (Excalibur and Monty Python's Holy Grail). The shittier versions of the King Arthur legend tend to hew closely to history or legend (that Clive Owen movie, for instance). So the crazier these trailers get, the more likely the movie might

Now that's the kind of Guy Ritchie insanity that I've been waiting for.

I started off the weekend with a double header of Doctor Strange and Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk. Despite feeling as if I were watching Cumberbatch wrestle with an American accent for two hours, I actually liked Doctor Strange. It was a basic Marvel movie elevated by really cool visual effects.

I haven't seen the show since the 90s, but he was set up as sympathetic early on. Maybe everyone hated him from the get go, but I always assumed that it took audiences at least a number of seasons that he was a complete piece of shit.

Is it weird that I find a bit of satisfaction that everyone has finally come around to realize that Ross is the worst?

I'd go so far as to say that Bears for Lunch could go toe to toe with any of their "classic" albums. In fact, the first three reunion albums are all better than they have any right to be.

And I don't want to talk to a lit critic / Y'all motherfuckers lyin', and getting me pissed.

Philip Marlowe with an Irish accent is blasphemous.

It turns up in music journalism pretty regularly. There was a long form article in Consequences of Sound that made this claim not too long ago.

It depends on whether the film feels like it's worth the investment. The Lord of the Rings extended editions were well paced, and they delivered a world you wanted to inhabit, so I didn't mind their length. Hell, I watched Bela Tarr's The Turin Horse, which was basically two and a half hours of a farmer and his