
"At a time when it’s once more trendy to declare that rock music is dying, there’s a band like Pile putting lie to that hyperbole and still pushing the form to its outermost limits."

I did not know that British Sea Power had a new album out. Thanks for the heads up!

Listening to Bob Dylan croon the Great American Songbook should be included in an updated version of Dante's levels of Hell.

When this goes belly up, I'm going to blame AV Club for getting my hopes up with its undeserved optimism.

*rubs chin and arches eyebrow*

I'm now trying to weigh whether or not there are people I would kill if the consequence were only six years in the clink. It's a tough call.

It's kind of frightening how excited I am about watching another movie with apes who talk and ride horses.

I'm seeing these guys Sunday, and I'm pumped.

It's cool. They can go with the Cassandra Cain version of the character.

Who wants to bet this piece of art was commissioned by the Rock for use in an elaborate Voodoo ritual?

That makes sense. For me, music or podcasts are my go to medium for when I'm trying to get things done.

I know people like to complain about movies being too long these days, but if a film is actually good, I have no problem with a three hour run time. Obviously, that's a pretty big "if" in this case.

All is forgiven.

Now I'm offended.

Hell, I'd settle for looking like that creepy statue.

Chimps: They really are just like us.

This fighting is all just one big lead up to F&F 9 when the two will get into a big shouting match before finally embracing each other in a passionate kiss. *music swells*

The moment I saw they got that doofus from Revenge to play Jack the Ripper, I knew this show wasn't long for this world.

In college, the guys in the dorm next to mine would get super drunk and then blast Blink-182. Blink-182 is bad enough, but they would repeatedly play one of the group's "serious" songs about some guy who killed himself. (I forget the name and don't feel like looking it up). There's nothing worse than earnest Blink-182.

It feels wrong to review these movies in March.