
De mortuis nihil nisi bonum, dude. Not cool!

I really wish Chuck Berry had lived long enough to see this. He would have appreciated it.

Back in the 90s, the argument went like this: Democrats needed to play triangulating, centrists in order to win elections. Sure, their policies were sometimes harmful and actively antagonized people on the left, but like some rogue police officer in a movie, they got results, damnit!

The inside scoop is that after Woody stopped smoking pot they had to change his name to Beckett from Ganju Sensimillus.

Tag line: She's killing for two.

It's been nearly a whole three years. I'm sure Sony figures everyone has forgotten how much they hated Amazing Spiderman 2.

Put a Spider-Ham movie into production, Sony, and then we'll talk.

I too am shocked—-SHOCKED—to find cynicism on the AV Club!

Victoria Woodhull is an incredibly fun historical character, and I'm surprised nobody has made a movie about her yet. She believed in "free love," and at one point revealed that the famous preacher and brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry Beecher Ward, was a hypocrite who was engaging in an affair. Also, she and

Looks like everybody's writing books just for the movie adaptation these days.

Part of it is that ideology is not logical. I think her political stance is based on bashing people who are seen as lesser, whether that happens to be racial, ethnic, and religious minorities or other women. For most conservatives, constructing a logical understanding of how the world functions just isn't high on

In related news, America continues to be the number one exporter of videos of fat people falling down.

Absolutely! Geoffrey Rush on a floating platform in space above a flat Earth shooting a giant space monster, hundreds of Chad Bosemans: These are the best parts of the movie.

Come on, Woody! Do you think it's that easy to get Jeff Sessions off your tail? That man is a bloodhound!

Not too long ago, I realized that Gods of Egypt was on HBO Go, so I downed a few beers and watched it. And, you know what? The movie was a fun watch. It was kind of dumb, the plot was messy, and the visuals were gaudy, but I was never bored. It's a legitimately enjoyable bad movie. I actually had fun watching it,

Hey, man. You don't have to convince me. Tell that to Shaq.

Hey, now. Woman are allowed to have the exact same crappy taste in movies as men. To suggest otherwise would be sexist.

No and no. So he's actually more similar to most doctors than people realized.

There are literally millions of doctors. There's only one Chance the Rapper.

So, is this book series worth reading? I keep on hearing people complaining about the ending.