
People who defend Alien 3 should be institutionalized. That movie is shit.

Little known fact: Mad Men was a Matrix sequel. Don Draper just never woke up, but the clues are there for anyone who's really paying attention.

Jesus Christ, the ending of that Steve Jobs movie is stupid. It's not the only stupid part of that movie, but it might be that absolute worst. In Boyle's defense, I don't think any director could have saved an ending written in that way. In fact, the entire daughter subplot was poorly handled.

“Let me buy you a drink. I want to tell you my idea for a Gator sequel.”

But if Suicide Squad taught us anything, it's that the 1990s definition of what's "radical," "cool," and "awesome" still has some cultural cache.

Pirates! is UNDERRATED!!!!

But it all depends on the criteria you're using to rate a film, and I think most people don't even understand their own internal mechanism for understanding why they do or do not enjoy a movie. Most people don't even have the vocabulary to criticize a film beyond saying something like, "It was boring."

This gritty reboot took a hard left turn.

"[T]he company has noticed that people will rate something like a documentary very highly but only watch it once, and then they’ll rate something like a goofy comedy much lower and then watch it over and over again."

The second season of this show was pretty damn good, but I wish Justin Theroux wouldn't breathe through his mouth so much.

Yo, Sir Patrick! I just got this dank indicas in that will take you to warp 10, bud. Call me!

I was surprised by how much I liked the Jungle Book film. But the least successful parts of that movie were the songs. They just seemed shoehorned in to give people a sense of nostalgia. So a remake doubling down on the musical aspects of past live action remakes sounds dreadful.

Our long national nightmare is over.

It's on Netflix!

So they're just going to give MRAs more of an excuse to claim oppression, eh?

I can't imagine that the plot of Overboard would work in a world where we now look down on kidnapping women and making them into a domestic slave.

So I disliked the first Matrix sequel so much that I never got around to watching the third film. Is it even worth it at this point?

Ron Swanson was always a contradiction. He was a libertarian who worked for local government. He also trusted the free market but occasionally showed disdain for big business.

"hopefully it’s not just hour after hour of grim portents and misery"

Actually, a incensed English accent only improves the comment.