
It's just you.

These jeans are like wack-slacks for the tom-tom club.

This doesn't really inspire much confidence. Vaughan has an incredibly uneven filmography. X-Men: First Class was okay, but kind of forgettable and Kick-Ass somehow managed to be even worse than Batman v Superman.

He tries to punch things, but his fists are made of iron, and they're too heavy for him to lift. It's not a very well thought out superpower.

I don't know about that. For the last few seasons of Dexter, it was the show I would watch when I couldn't fall asleep because I knew it would lull me to sleep.

Maybe Iron Fist is an inversion of every other Marvel show on Netflix, and the first half sucks but the second half is really great.

"Scientologists aim to preserve Hubbard’s writing forever by carving it into steel, encasing it in titanium capsules filled with argon gas, and placing those capsules in an underground vault designed to withstand a nuclear blast."

There's always one.

At this point, I think we need a moratorium of any works of fiction set at Harvard or in New York City.

I'm a big X-Files fan, but the last two seasons of Buffy are heads and shoulders above seasons 9 and 10 of the X-Files. If you seriously haven't seen them, then you should check them out.

I think Jed took notes from his brother's shows. SHIELD does surprisingly well maintaining a season long arc with 22 episodes. I think the key is to make sure most of those episodes are relatively self-contained. Sure, they can lock into the larger narrative, but there needs to be a specific goal or story that also

I'm a little surprised by the hate that seasons 6 and 7 get. It's been a long time since I rewatched those seasons, but I remember thinking at the time that they were better than the first go around. They're without a doubt uneven. But they also have some fantastic highs. In fact, few TV shows that last six or seven

Oh, definitely. I was lucky to have friends who were interested in the same films and music that I was in high school. Hell, I'm still friends with most of them fifteen years later even though we no longer live near each other. I like to think of that as the Stranger Things model of nerd friendship, which is also

I think this is spot on. Some TV shows don't know what to do when they're given thirteen hours to tell a story. They think they can just let everything bleed together, but each individual installment really should have some sort of narrative structure.

I'm glad to see that action cinema is finally escaping the clutches of Paul Greengrass and Michael Bay.

I would love if Cage could take a break from making movies at a madman's pace to pay his creditors to star in one more quality action film. Also, why hasn't he been tapped to appear in one of the Expendables movies? (Not that the Expendables movies are quality action films.)

The answer he gave about the trailers made me a little sad.

Killer kids are having their moment in the sun. Boooyah!

When I first came to this album, what struck me wasn't the drugs=cool formula, but rather the mixture of perfect pop songs and songs that completely obliterate structure. I love that "Sunday Morning" and "There She Goes Again" stand side by side with "Heroin" and "Black Angel Death Song." Like few other musicians of

I started getting into 70s punk rock in high school, so I remember when Spike made an appearance being excited to see a character representing that era on a show.