
It's kind of sad that we've had four Jurassic Park films and only one legitimately good movie.

The first Thor movie was fifty percent an 80s fish out of water comedy, so I think a more comedic tone seems in line with the series.

Also, let's not forget about what a great henchman Mr. Trick was.

You'll never outlive the shame.

At first i thought it was kind of hilarious that you had to interject that your sentiments weren't of a sexual nature, but then I realized that you are writing on the internet.

Welcome to Star Trek's post-scarcity economy. It's not all great.

Logan just repeating "It's near the water…" almost killed me.

"Now I wanna have something to do
All the kids wanna drink hand sanitzer" ?

Good point! I've read that psychiatrists now think that Harris was a psychopath and Klebold was a depressive who became trapped in his orbit. In hindsight this cast doubt on the claims that these two were bullied into committing an atrocity, but of course people didn't know this at the time.

The Trio was a pretty great inversion of the downtrodden nerd hero. We now know that nerds can be just as much assholes as the jocks, but I can't remember a moment in pop culture that played with the aggrieved nerd stereotype prior to Buffy and the Trio. Also, I think only nerds like Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard could

Bowling is fun, after you have a few beers.

So it looks like the room of a dorky high school virgin who hates fun. Spot on.

It depends on what you expect out of a movie. Sure, I often want a film that's entertaining and accomplishes what it sets out to do. But I also appreciate movies that try something new and different but also fail because they are trying to do something new and different.

I agree that BVS probably doesn't deserve the hate it gets, but I also think it's not a terribly successful movie. I think it tries new things with the superhero film, and that's often left out of the conversation. This comes through more in the extended version than in the theatrical release, but in both instances

The answer is,"none." None more dark R.

DeVos is just a slightly more extreme version of much of Obama's policy. He pushed charter schools and a version of "school choice" for eight years as a panacea for America's education policy. It was a failure, but the approach to education has been one area of bipartisanship during Obama's era.

If Jeb! had won the presidency, I think the majority of Democrats would have even voted for DeVos. Democrats in general and Obama in particular don't get enough shit for their terrible record on public education.

Exactly. I initially thought that Trump's incompetence might shield us from some of the more radical conservatives' agenda, but now I realize that he's so incredibly incompetent that it's actually a bit scary. If there's some sort of crisis, then I would much rather have the reasonably competent evil guy at the helm

So we're getting closer to a world where the article, "10 Objects around Your House that Are Actually Just Tilda Swinton Getting Lost in a Role," is no joke.

Does Prepon really deserve to be on C-Team? What has she done outside of Orange Is the New Black lately?