
I blame it on all the stupid people…and those Honest Trailers guys.

This is a "plot hole" that isn't really a plot hole. There are a bunch of explanations available to the reader, but just because the film didn't explicitly tell the audience, it gets relegated to that overused term.

I'll just go ahead and get this out of the way now.

You just don't know the backstory. Jason Lytle still owes Atomic-Blackadder a Benjamin.

Somehow I still think this is not even close to being the most offensive thing Rod Stewart has done during his career.

Children of Men is the first bit of popular culture that I remember encountering that made a clear connection between the "war on terror" and anti-immigration hysteria.

And if I remember correctly, in Frank Oz's introduction, he talks about trying to make a fairy tale that's not dark and disturbing like those by the Brother's Grimm, which makes it kind of strange when the series gets violent, like when the Tin Man kills dozens of wolves with his ax in the first book.

I'd love it if in each episode there's just a throwaway line where a character says, "Hey, did I even tell you that I'm descended from Anastasia?" And another character responds, "Oh, that's neat." And then the rest of the episode just plays out like normal.

Wasn't this the focus of a Newswire not too long ago? This GJI is like when you write a paper for class and then realize a couple of semesters later that you can use the same paper for a different class.

Aunt Polly only said those nice things about you because she thought you were dead.

Crusher/Traveler 2020: Take America to a New Dimension

What I wouldn't give for our worst scandal to be Trump bouncing checks to prostitutes. But I guess those were simpler times.

This lady should be grateful. Not many of us get to attend our own funeral.

*looks at watch*

Jon should know better than to just take what he clearly believes is someone else's drink. He got what he deserves.

No one really gave that show a shot. Right out of the gate, I thought it was genuinely funny. (That awesome Swedish Chef singing "Rapper's Delight" appeared on the fourth episode before it was even retooled, which shows that it was far from a disaster early on). The show just needed a little time to properly calibrate

Wait are you trying to say that "It stinks!"

Before I read this article I didn't even know we had a president! The last place I wanted to learn about this so-called president person is on an entertainment site!

This is a network executive, so how we interpret his words is determined by how much coke we think is in his system.

"Captain, we're beaming in representatives from the Skrillex Confederacy right now."