
I can't wait to bittorrent this show!

For a while there, Shyamalan had so many bombs that it's hard to keep track of them. Like most of the world, I had completely forgotten about After Earth until right now.

People complain that an alien race wouldn't invade a world where 70% of its surface was toxic to them, but I think you can partly explain it away by the fact that this was supposed to be a desperate raid, not a well-planned invasion.

Um. It's Batman and Superman punching each other. Enough said.

You knew what you were getting into, Ben.

If there's one thing that unites the left and the right in America, it's that we all agreed Piers Morgan was awful.

I caught a showing of Silence this weekend, and it turned out to be a wrenching, fascinating, and often difficult film about religion, faith, and cultural disconnect. It's also a bit under three hours long and contains almost no music. Silence is a fine addition to Scorsese's filmography, but I can't imagine who the

So, if I read this article correctly, at some point during the show Jughead is going to fuck a hamburger?

"You'll watch this clip show and you'll like it, nerds."

I've only had a movie theater ask to search my book bag once. When I asked why, they claimed it was because of the Aurora, Colorado shooting, which occurred maybe eight months earlier. With this one exception, I've never had a theater search me, but maybe it's more common in other places.

Most movie theater employees don't care if patrons are on their damn phone the entire film, so it doesn't seem to me that they'd care much about people bringing in their own snacks (which I do every time I go to the movies. It's $13 a ticket now!)

I like the fact that Disney had to include both "Princess" and "General" Leia in their statement because nerds are so pedantic that if they only included one, then they would assume the company was creating some sort of loophole.

Have they seriously never been in a movie together? For half a second, I thought Hanks was in The Night Shift, but that was Henry Winkler.

Well, Jesus didn't even need CGI for his resurrection, but I think it's a little unfair to compare Carrie Fisher to the son of God.

I remember one of the villains of the original having a really fake looking mole that bothered the hell out of my as a kid.

I actually quite liked Only God Forgives, but thought that Neon Demon turned into a long slog in its second half. Refn is a good genre flick director, but a mediocre art film director.

Yeah, but it takes a special kind of sociopath to become completely disinterested in truth, reason, and logic.

While visiting Ohio over the holiday, I managed to visit a place called Grandpa's Cheese Barn. It was amazing.

Fuck you, Chicago. This is why the Midwest can't have nice things.

I'm happy to see Pile on this list. They're one of those bands that has a strong regional following who really deserve more exposure.