
Don't even get my hopes up for an Exosquad adaptation, AV Club. My heart just can't take it.

Season 2 is uneven, but it has plenty of highlights. It's far from the disaster people used to say it was. Still, you can see them struggling to move from an eight episode season to one that's over twenty episodes in length.

Woah! When did George W's daughter marry Sammy Hagar?

Oh, shit. I totally forgot to get back to you. You know, I thought the family was coming by, but they had to cancel, and by then it was just too late. I'm sorry for the mix up. Next time. I promise.

I bet he pronounces it "Undawrld."

You haven't seen the depraved shit those cavemen have on the CEO of Geico.

The only solution is to make the Frank Stallone biopic but hire Sylvester to play his brother.

Hey, Marty! Frank Stallone's life story is still available if you're interested.

Oh, uh, thanks for the invite. I'd love to come by, but, you know, I really need to check my schedule. See what the wife had planned that night. I think her family might be in town. Or, something like that. But, yeah. Thanks. I'll definitely get back to you.

Successful fiasco?

I've decided that as a medium, television isn't very important to me. My partner likes to watch TV, so we end up watching one episode of television at night as a way to wind down the day. If I were still single, I'm not sure if I would even watch TV. (I watched very little in college). But I really don't have much of

Don't scare me like that.

Pizza Underground broke up? When did this happen?

I knew a kid in high school whose family kept Nazi memorabilia, including a Nazi flag. He would sometimes spout racist propaganda. There was this other kid who was strangely proud of his German heritage, and talking to him, it became clear that a lot of this pride was passed down by his parents and grandparents. The

That's some grade-A concern trolling, Schwarzenegger. Kudos.

No. No he cannot.

Eh. I give that Larry David impression a 6/10.

This story might sound funny to you, unless you know that McCarthy's parents were killed by a comma.

Ports of Morrow was thoroughly underwhelming. You don't have many more chances to win me back, James Mercer.

I think that bow tie is something that Tucker Carlson probably regrets at this point in his life, but knows that if he switches it out, then he'll be giving in to everyone who has mocked him over the years. It's the accouterments of quiet desperation, perfect for the modern news pundit.