
I'm not sure anyone has ever gone full Gute before, and I'm not sure I want to find out when someone finally does.

What the fuck.

This show…was not good. The entire thing was pretty hokey, but the final episode really ruins anything of value that came before. I would be okay with the idea that the OA's stories are fake, if anything that happened to the characters in the present day were remotely interesting. I do think it would have been

It wasn't that I expected any major revelations from the film. I just remember thinking that we pretty much know Laura's story already and that showing it in detail doesn't really add much to what the show already said. It seemed redundant at the time. Of course, this was years ago. I tend to like Lynch's movies even

It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I remember thinking the movie is pretty great until we get to Laura Palmer. That second half of the film just didn't seem necessary since the broad strokes had already been developed by the TV show.

I've never been able to figure out why Kathryn Hahn changed her name from Ana Gasteyer.

Kudos on the choice of image accompanying this article.

Bigots and racists took the Gadsden flag from us, don't let them take They Live as well.

*puts on glasses and looks at Buzz*

As a kid, I liked some dumb stuff, but I also had some criteria for what made a movie good or bad. I wasn't always able to articulate this criteria, but it was there. This meant that a good chunk of the stuff that I did like as a kid is stuff I can actually mostly enjoy now as an adult. In other words, just because

I've always suspected that most Republicans don't really care for soldiers except as a symbol for aggressive military use. This election pretty much confirmed my suspicions.

Trump openly attacked American soldiers and their families and still won, so I don't really know what to think anymore.

Well, an incompetent man-child is going to start running the free world in just a couple of weeks, but at least I can say "I told you so" to everyone who voted for Hilary in the primary. That's something, right? Right!!?

I'll give it a season.

Well, I was going ask if anyone recommends this show because I've been eyeing it on Netflix, but, if I'm not mistaken, this sounds like Bates Motel at least okay, right?

I don't want to spoil this for you, but obviously Harrelson is playing Lobot's dad. You heard it here first.

You had me at "Sleater-Kinney".

Fourth time's the charm?

I really liked the idea of doing a throwback to 80s action movies, but these films aren't that. They're essentially early aught action films in style—lots of quick cuts and a bland color palette. Even comparing them to direct to video action films is an insult to plenty of really good direct to video action films.

I rewatched Iron Man for the first time since it was released in theaters, and it was actually refreshing how plotless some of it is. A whole section of the movie is just Robert Downey Jr. fucking around with his Iron Man toys.