
They're interesting curiosities. They're not good, for the most part, but they are big budget films that you won't see come from a major studio. They could only have come from the deranged mind of George Lucas, and I kind of appreciate that.

I've had Watership Down sitting on my shelf for a while now. I suppose this is as good an excuse as any to get started on it.

After listening to his all ukulele album, Ukulele Songs, I feel as if Eddie Vedder owes me some money as well.

Ridley Scott gave up long ago.

I'm an admirer of the Wachowskis, and I even really liked Cloud Atlas, but Sense8 is cringeworthy. Any time the show veers away from a montage or an action scene and characters are forced to spout hackneyed dialogue (which is most of the time), then it's a chore to watch. I like the premise and the optimism of the

What? No Reposted Atreidespeedia?

It was kind of sad to see how excited Jodorowsky and everyone were about possibly making a film with a high budget and slim box office chances. It was like they expected an American studio to tell them, "This will cost boatloads of money and will likely blow a huge hole in our profits this year, but it's sure to

I shaved my head a year ago because I was losing my hair, and, honestly, it was a great decision. I like to think I look like a scrawnier Jason Statham. Also, you can take a shower at any time of the day. You can just wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth and start your day. It's awesome.

Be careful. I went into Independence Day 2 thinking it would be so bad it's good, but it ended up just being bad. There's a fine line between the two, my friend.

In the first ten or fifteen minutes of Beginners, I had my guard up against what I thought was its twee bullshit, but damnit if that film didn't completely win me over by the end, subtitled dog and all.

Russ decides to start a second career as a talent agent and tries to jumpstart that bar singer's career.

Do I sense a season 1 and 2 crossover?

I think there are certain films that have more in common with painting or architecture than narrative arts. I think you could make the case that Blade Runner is one of those films.

I'm happy the authors pushed back against the narrative that this has been a bad year for movies. Sure, the blockbusters have been okay to mediocre, but once you leave that ecosystem, there's tons of great cinema to explore.

Only if it's the Franken-Castle version of Punisher.

Don't worry. All of those plot holes will be addressed with their own movies.

On a lark I decided to watch Independence Day 2 (ID:4 2), hoping it would be so bad it's good. But it wasn't even entertainingly bad. It was really painful to sit through. I went through some whisky and beer during the proceedings, but no matter how much I drank, the movie still sucked. I think it beats out Suicide

If they ever show us a young Lor San Tekka, you can be certain they would just insert a colorized performance of Sydow from Virgin Spring.

I'm of two minds when it comes to the ending. On the one hand, I kind of admire that they made a big blockbuster in which everyone dies. On the other hand, I'm not sure the film is able to handle the thematic weight of that ending. Once you compare it to something like Saving Private Ryan, which effectively explored

I don't understand the logic of recasting Mon Mothma but digitizing Tarkin.