
You could have cast J Law as Tarkin, and she would have been a more convincing Peter Cushing than that CGI monstrosity.

If I remember this books correctly, then Pierce is playing the Humble Motherfucker with a Big Ass Dick. (I know this has already been referenced, but I'm doing this anyway. So there.)

Jim Beam may not be the hero we deserve, but he is the hero we need right now.

I'd say this is also true of television, though. It's been my experience that there are only one or two truly good new series every year. Most television, even television that gets good reviews from critics, is nothing more than passable. (There's a weird phenomena where TV critics are somehow more easily impressed

In order for Hans Gruber's plan to work, he needs a miracle. And he gets a miracle, because it's Christmas, the time of miracles.

Superman Returns is coming to Netflix just in time for its critical reassessment.

Wake me up when RZA puts out a Man with the Iron Fist comic.

This obsession with Hamilton: The Musical is making me wish Aaron Burr had shot Hamilton: The Person about a decade or so earlier.

I disagree somewhat with your assessment while still fully appreciating your metaphor.

It was just "Pablo Neruda really wanted to fuck a tree" over and over again for ten pages.

There are two reasons why I think Batman v Superman is "bad, but not as bad as you might think."

It's a bad movie, but if you're being generous it's also kind of interesting in its badness. The extended edition even has some ideas new to the superhero genre, but you also have to sit through three hours of a crappy movie to get to them.

I wonder if the ST: Discovery's creators will write an actual character for her to play this time around.

If this were a direct to video prequel, I'd totally waste ninety minutes on it. But who has time for an entire series built around movie cliches?

I don't hate Robbie, but, yeah, there are plenty of more talented actresses out there. Jessica Chastain and Amy Adams have far more range and can turn in more nuanced performances. Bu they're both over thirty, so by Hollywood standards they're old crones. (And I just looked it up and somehow Amy Adams is in her


Part of it might be my weird need to own art, not just rent it from Spotify. Also, I think Amazon takes a hit from selling albums (even CDs sometimes) for five bucks a pop, so I feel like I'm screwing them over.

I must be the last person on Earth who still spends money on music. I'll buy those cheap $5 mp3 albums on Amazon when they have something good, and I'll buy from Bandcamp because they give more money to the musicians. I even stop by my local record shop to buy CDs from artists who I've been following a long time. (I

I hear that's why the government developed a Kevin McCallister contingency plan.

AV Club is killing it with the verbs today.