
If you think that's bad, you should check out Suicide Squad.

It's flown under the radar a bit. I think they slapped it together in a weekend and didn't record it in a studio. It's a return to their old sound. I like it.

It's time to bring back Manhattan!

There's not a lot of winking at the camera, but I wouldn't call the Fast and the Furious franchise self-serious. At this point, the series is like a soap opera with lots of cars and CGI. Just give yourself over the the melodrama and have a good time.

Does that scene make any more sense to someone who has actually watched the movie? Also, I know that John Turturro needs to pay the rent, but, come on, man.

Yep. That's awfully anti-Semitic.

Either way, it doesn't seem like he's good enough live to invent this whole Nobel Prize ruse.

Here are some albums I liked from 2016 that aren't on this list:

I wonder how Kanye's presence on the Supreme Court might upend the ideological split there.

That video is bullshit. Star Trek: Generations features the Next Generation's Enterprise D, but the gingerbread star ship is clearly modeled off of the Enterprise from the original series.

The Night Of was so damn good. I'm surprised it isn't higher on this list.

I'm kind of bummed about this. I actually liked Marco Polo: The TV Show. It started to come into its own during the second half of the first season, and even Marco Polo himself became somewhat interesting during the second season. I'm sure the show was insanely expensive, which is probably why it got canned

So this whole Nobel Prize thing was just about getting a Dylan tour in Sweden? Sorry to break it to you Swedes, but I hear his live performances leave much to be desired these days.

This is just one more reason why New Jersey needs to allow self-service gas stations.

I've listened to those lyrics a ton this year, and I just now decided to double check to see if it's true. The Wikipedia entry is actually "major depressive disorder," but that may not have fit.

For now.

Copious amounts of weed is the only explanation for some of Prometheus's character motivations, so maybe it already happened, but it was just off screen.

Sure, you could. I'm not certain why you would want to, but go for it.

As the supply of Hemsworths increases, their value decreases. The market says, sell!

Welcome to a brave new world that has such publicity in 't!