
Then don't read the review. Or do. There's no reason why only some of us had to suffer.

Wrong! Blade 2 is arguably an even better film. I'd also be down for Snipes to make a fourth movie as penance for the awful third film.

First of all, who the hell is this person?

We tried ignoring morons, and they still elected Trump. It's kind of a no win scenario.

J. Jonah Jameson is right. This guy is a menace.

It's a post-fact world, so sure. I guess.

After the year it's been, I'm ready for the apes to take over. We had our shot, and we blew it.

How dare you put a Taylor Swift news article so close to a Prince news article.

I was kind of hoping that Hardy would get Leo's face tattooed onto his face.

The new Hard Target movie is a good choice for some cheap thrills. Some movies are still keeping 1990s direct to video alive.

This is one of those stupid movie debates where the point is actually the ambiguity rather than arriving at a hard yes or no answer.

When I first heard that Friedman was coming out with a new book, my first thought was, "I can't wait to read Matt Taibbi's review."

I was all right with Maul being a cool design and nothing else. Also, I thought Ray Park's performance and stunt work was one of the few bright spots in the Episode I. That scene where Maul and Qui-Gon are separated by a laser wall and Qui-Gon meditates while Maul paces like a caged tiger is pretty much all the

Overall, The Clone Wars show was what the prequels should have been. But there were a few missteps. I never got on board with resurrecting Darth Maul, so as you can imagine, that entire arc is my least favorite part of the series.

I remember first watching the movie and being surprisingly engaged with the characters and the story line and then having all of that energy drained from me the moment they introduce Death Star 3.0.

My favorite part in The Force Awakens is when the writers clearly became aware at some point in production that people were going to complain that we have yet another Death Star in a Star Wars movie, so they have Han Solo compare it to the original superweapon, and that dude from Lost is like, "No, man. This thing is

For a time, I thought that it would be a cool idea to film an Obi-Wan movie that would explore his relationship with Satine from The Clone Wars, perhaps through flashbacks. It would add a bit more dimension to his character during the prequels. Of course, The Clone Wars kind of screwed that up by unceremoniously

I see the argument that alt-right legitimizes these people, but a man allied with the group is now the right hand man of the president elect, so in some ways they've already been legitimized.

I'm down.

This seems to be a running theme with these Marvel shows on Netflix. They have a really hard time stretching out their story line for thirteen episodes. (Jessica Jones did a better job of this, but even that show could have probably shaved off a couple of episodes). They should either shorten the seasons to ten