
Well, the movie was made for television, and they both aired on Lifetime, if I'm not mistaken. I think Ricci is still waiting for her comeback role.

Well, there was the Lizzie Borden movie and TV show. I never watched the show, but with enough alcohol I found the movie reasonably entertaining.

Yeah, most of these Mad Men clones look like the studios were making a play for a much larger audience. It's like they saw the original and then said to themselves, "This would be great if we only stripped it of its nuance and ambiguity and then made it a lot less depressing."

"It is difficult to control the reindeer" must be the understatement of the year.

I somehow didn't get around to watching Return of the Living Dead until this year. Calfa's a delight in that movie. Rest in peace, sir.

I'm hardly an expert on space rock, but so long as we're talking about Sacred Bone Records, they also have Follakzoid on their roster. They're a trippy rock group from Chile, so you get to feel somewhat cosmopolitan when listening to them.

Mad Men knock-offs have not had a great survival rate.

I'm still waiting for a sequel where it turns out there really were triplets, not just twins.

"But that same year, Seagal also made the almost-as-great Marked For Death, in which he fought a Jamaican drug-dealing gang led by a pair of demonic Rasta twins."

There's long been a music deficit on this website. Let's get a little more "A" in the AV Club, please.

I watched Death Wish the first time shortly after the Trayvon Martin shooting, and while I normally can laugh off and even enjoy ultra-right wing action films from the 70s and 80s, at the time the film made me feel a little nauseous.

Good question. Over time, I think I've pulled up Moon Duo on Spotify more often than Wooden Shjips, so I think my vote would go with them, but of course it's going to depend on what you're looking for in your spaced out rock and roll.

Which Moon Duo album should I pick up? I've been meaning to actually buy something from them for a while now.

That moment in Superman 3 was probably my first introduction to body horror. I remember jumping across the room to turn off the TV.

Your subconscious?

I don't want to look like a freak or anything — I'll just take a hockey jersey.

Hey, maybe this guy's douchey son can direct a reboot of his defining film as well.

I also revisited the first Bad Santa movie. I think Billy Bob Thorton's ability to fade in and out of coherence is what really makes that film. He plays a scarily good drunk.

If I'm being honest, I'll admit that I always thought Kanye's antics were harmless fun, until he said he would have voted for Trump. It's then that I realized he seriously has a few screws loose.

Does anyone know what Alejandro Jodorowsky is up to these days?