
At the top of the month, I finished Lovecraft Country, which is a wonderful horror/supernatural novel about a community of middle class black in Chicago who get mixed up with a Lovecraftian secret society. Each chapter reads like a short story that contributes to the overarching plot, and everything comes together

I was able to snag an advanced copy of this, and it reads like Chabon is trying to make his writing a little less grandiose, a little more subtle. But I think all of the complexity of Chabon's best work can be found in Moonglow. It's just that you have to dig a little more for it. I liked Telegraph Avenue, but I do

I'm beginning to think this Kanye West guy is a little unhinged.

Doesn't this remake have some sort of animal familiar we could kill to be done with it once and for all?

This is just more evidence to back up my hypothesis: kids are dumb.

I've lived in Boston and the Boston area for about a decade now, and I've noticed that as I've been pushed farther away from the city by gentrification, I more often hear the typical Boston accent.

Awwwwwww. Lil' Affleck is all growed up.

I'm glad that Deathly Hallows Part 1 gets its due. It's pretty ballsy for the penultimate film in a series to take a subdued turn right near the end. It's also a gorgeous film to look at. I don't remember being all that impressed by Goblet of Fire, but it's been a long time since I've watched these movies.

I've always been fond of the stuff that came out after Disney's death when you could tell the studio was trying to figure out their new direction. You can tell that these are the red-headed step children of Disney's animated films, but they're pretty fascinating because they were breaking from older templates.

I thought there were some interesting moments in the extended edition where Clark actually comes across the child and baby momma of a man Batman put in jail and branded and who was subsequently killed. It actually kind of admitted that having a vigilante running around the streets might be a terrible idea. Most

Holly Hunter never actually drinks Lex Luthor's urine. Don't you have fact checkers, AV Club?

I think the argument is that as a social network, Facebook is structured in such a way that it trends towards an echo chamber. That's obviously not Facebook's intention, but it's, arguably, a natural result of modern technology.

That'll be tough to do since they recently fired all of the journalists working for them.

And she had become the best part of the fucking show!

Nope. Everything's the same. It must be you.

Sounds like Marvel is pissed they still don't have the rights to X-Men and want to make a Gobot style knockoff. I can't wait for the adventures of the Inhumans with their thoughtful leader, Wheelchair Psychic, and the gruff newcomer, Knives in Hands.

What is the Great Barrier Reef? (I'm not just answering in the form of a question. I'm also not completely certain.)

They say you should do what you love. And David Yates loves making ungodly amounts of money by lazily pumping out wizard movies.

This is a pretty smart move on the part of the Ayatollah. Once Iran gets a taste of Dave Matthews, they'll reject Western culture immediately.

I guess I should start watching The Crown.