
But credit where credit is due. Jupiter Ascending did give us the line, "There's nothing royal about my bowels." You don't hear that everyday (at least I don't).

The Wachowskis are crying right now.

Just give Spielberg a Star Wars movie already.

You monster.


Cool story: I was up there last year, and after talking to the (really cute) park ranger about the history of women's rights, she handed me a junior ranger badge and told me I "earned" this. I still have that badge somewhere. Anyway, the National Women's Hall of Fame and Elizabeth Cady Stanton House are fun too.

Sometimes he appears to lack complete self-awareness, but I don't actually know the guy so who knows what's going on in his head.

Has anyone else noticed that Toby Jones bears a striking resemblance to Prince George?

But that was fun-stupid. The heels were just stupid-stupid. If there were more fun-stupid moments, like the Raptor Pals and the grudging nod of respect between T. Rex and the Raptor Bros, then the movie might actually have been fun.

This is true especially for Landis Jr. It's kind of a high risk, low reward situation.

I haven't seen Chronicle, so I can't comment on its quality, but I think it's pretty clear that he was able to use his family connections to get his script in front of someone and to have that person read it. This isn't uncommon in Hollywood, so I don't care too much.

I just don't see what Max Landis gets out of this. First, it highlights the fact that his entire career rests on nepotism. Second, whatever he comes up with will pale in comparison to the original, further clarifying that he's far less talented than his dad.

Seagal make glorious killing to save Russian people from decadent capitalists.

I'm now Facebook friends with a lot of these same people, so I now know that this criteria was surprisingly accurate.

My point wasn't just that they rested on their laurels. It was also that their name was associated with crappy services. If everyone didn't already hate Blockbuster, then maybe they would have been able to compete with Netflix. The moral of the story is, don't treat your customers like crap.

What I like about this comment is that it's unclear which specific addiction you're referring to.

For me, sports is a fun communal event. The only time when I'll actually pay to watch a game by myself is during the World Cup. Otherwise, I really need to be hanging out with friends to sit down and watch a game of football.

It's a situation similar to Blockbuster. People always point out the chain's technical obsolescence as the reason it fell apart, but it was starting to compete with Netflix with similar services, including streaming. I think it probably could have put up a fight if it weren't for the fact that it had established a

It's kind of hilarious that for years people pointed to ESPN as evidence that audiences wouldn't cut cable. They were too addicted to watching dudes run around throwing and hitting various shaped balls to get get off of cable's teat. Now that this has been thoroughly debunked, it looks like ESPN has taken on the

I came ready to gawk at a D-list celebrity, but I left just bummed out by the whole story. I hope this guy gets his life together.