
I came ready to gawk at a D-list celebrity, but I left just bummed out by the whole story. I hope this guy gets his life together.

I'm glad that this article gives Die Hard with a Vengeance its due. It really is the best of the sequels and would be considered an instant classic if not for the fact that it stands in the shadow of the original movie. Also, Die Hard 2 is no slouch either.

I think this is pretty common today. I've been watching Die Hard every Christmas morning for close to a decade now. I thought this was unique at the time, but now I'm pretty sure it's generally accepted as a Christmas classic.

I thought the combined box office sinking of Robocop and Total Recall would have protected us from a Starship Troopers reboot, but maybe Hollywood execs have some weird OCD condition where they have to do everything in threes no matter what?

He's simply trying to get the McGuffin because of character motivation.

He truly is the ideal embodiment of the Baby Boomer generation.

Did she also ask you, "What does it take to change the essence of a man?"

Don't worry, people. It's pretty clear to me that Seagal is going deep undercover in order to take care of America's "Putin problem."

Logically, I know that a sequel to Trainspotting is a bad idea, but goddamnit if that trailer didn't make me excited for this movie.

It doesn't matter when or where, Germans are always acceptable villains.

I'll hunt it down. I'd be happy if Gibson really did make amends.

Okay. I'm no longer worried. Cleveland has this in the bag.

I'm sorry to have been the one to inform you.

No doubt. Hell, I'll still watch stuff either made by or starring Gibson (if it looks decent enough), but the guy is a racist nutball.

It seems to me that if Gibson had shown just the minimum amount of contrition ten years ago, then the public would probably have forgotten about the fact that he's a raging racist by now. And he didn't even have to stop being a raging racist. He could just pretend to be okay with non-whites.

Launchpad barely crashes in Darkwing Duck where it's a pretty consistent theme in Ducktales. In fact, I don't know why Scrooge employed that buffoon.


These days I listen to a lot more sad Beck than party Beck, but I'll take whatever that crazy Scientologist wants to release.

I'm going with, lit up a big bowl before entering the theater.

This is the year 2016. It's practically a universal law that you have to see every film Marvel releases or else you're stoned like those people in "The Lottery." Welcome to the future.