
The problem with the show were the same problem with the comic book. The narratives are cyclical to the point of monotony. I think the initial idea of seeing how the zombie apocalypse plays out over years had a lot of potential, but Robert Kirkman just wasn't strong enough of a writer to pull it off. In fact, I think

Ace photoshop job.

Eh, close enough.

It's not like the film is making fun of all nerds. Hell, all the Ghostbusters are nerds who face bullying constantly. As Melissa McCarthy's character says, "We get dumped on pretty much all the time." The movie is only criticizing nerds who develop a weird persecution complex. And, honestly, I've heard variations on

Maybe it was my lowered expectations, but I just watched Lady Ghostbusters last night, and I really enjoyed it. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's much better than the trailers suggested. I was also amused at how explicitly the film was a dig at bitter nerds. And while the script could have used some work, the

I like to think that the fact I was raised evangelical gives me the right to say, these people are fucked up.

There's some truth here to be sure. But I don't think that sort of answer would have worked in a debate format. It's also never quite clear with Clinton whether her public are private statements are what she really believes. Granted, this is true of most politicians, but it still makes me wary. And if I'm being

Um, yeah, Lady Gaga. I'll definitely check this out. I mean, not right now. Maybe when I get home from work. I do have to cook dinner when I get home, and music can get distracting. Afterwards, I have some television to catch up on and a little reading to do. But, I'll absolutely get around to it this weekend. I

I could see why someone reading American Pastoral would think it could make for a great film adaptation, since it's something of a page turner. I think I read the entire thing in two days. But without the insight of Roth and the shading of his prose, the story itself could easily become simplified and rote.

You're right that none of this is shocking. However, in the midst of a heated presidential campaign where Clinton's facing off against a racist, misogynist, and threat to the nation, it's useful to remind ourselves that at heart she's a neoliberal centrist. If we want systemic change in the country, then we'll have to

But Riley was so goddamn boring.

Assange is a creep, but I'd be lying if I said the leaked DNC emails haven't been enlightening.

I always assumed that Hackman was cast in Enemy of the State because of his role in The Conversation, but maybe I'm giving Tony Scott too much credit.

Well, that's a bummer.

Why is it that all of a sudden every tech company is chasing online food orders like it's 2005 again?

Even as a kid I found this branding weird and confusing.

Can't an entertainer just pass away peacefully without Hollywood trying to fuck their corpse?

At the very least, he proves that it takes more to be Tarantino than just dropping scenes from other movies into yours.

Now that Bob Dylan has won the Nobel Prize in Literature, I say we induct Jonathan Franzen into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It's only fair.

Still better than Hamilton.