
I dread the day when everyone realizes that the value of these companies are grossly overestimated.

I'm sure self-driving cars will exist in the future, but you're right that it's going to take a long time to get these right. For whatever reason, the press pretends like they're just around the corner and will "disrupt" everything. I've never quite understood why journalists are so gullible when it comes to some of

Is this Sony Pictures Entertainment?

"Pimps don't commit suicide." (That's probably the only thing I remember from that film, so, yeah, I guess The Rock was pretty good in it).

That's exactly what I thought when I previously looked a Stephen Merchant. But I guess I was wrong.

I received one of those early not fully proof read editions of Michael Chabon's Moonglow from a friend earlier this month, and I just finished the book. The novel doesn't officially come out until November. As a fan of Chabon's work, I really liked Moonglow.

I told you NOT to tell me.

Please don't tell me Ruffalo is a truther.

Planet Ruffalo? Is that a planet with a global ban on fracking?

Where was all that style in The Winter Soldier? I must have missed it.

Out of the entire cast, the house is easily the best actor.

Curse of the Cat People is up next!

Everything I casually read online about Cat People attributes the film to Lewton to the extent that I just assumed he was the director. Thanks for the correction. (I've seen a handful of the Universal monster films and the Poe/Corman movies, but those Lewton horror movies have been my blind spot).

Because it's October, I decided to watch the original Cat People from 1942, which was a solid B-movie with a couple of really well done sequences. The director, Val Lewton, makes great use of these underlit drafting tables to create some really stark black and white images. There's also a sequence that I'm certain

I'm all for a stark look at Obi-Wan's day to day existence on Tatooine inspired by Bela Tarr's The Turin Horse. We watch Obi-Wan tie up his Dewback for the night. We watch Obi-Wan eat some potatoes and soup. We watch Obi-Wan get up the next day and collect water from his jerry-rigged moisture vaporator. It will be

The problem is that environmentalists and government regulation aren't putting coal out of business. The industry is being killed by the fact that's it's more difficult and more expensive to mine coal these days and because other forms of energy are getting cheaper. Environmental regulations aren't killing coal;

Render therefore unto Wayne the things which are Wayne's; and unto Batman the things that are Batman's.

Someone might have to enact some Second Amendment remedies on that guy.

Thanks! That was going to bother me.

Where did I hear that before?