
I'm sure others have pointed this out, but the Violent Femmes album with "American Music" is Why Do Birds Sing?, not 3.

I visit New York every year or so, but I'm happy to live in Boston. It's a better city in many ways, especially considering the fact that New York has slowly stripped away its middle class and soon the only creative types in the city will be trust funders. (Boston may end up down this road in the near future, but it's

I've lived in Boston for nearly ten years now, and this is a pretty good summation of the mindset of the Boston sports fan: arrogant contempt for everyone else that's in reality born out of your feelings of inadequacy for not being New Yorkers.

Joke's on you. I don't smoke. When I abandoned my family, I told them I was going out to get some milk.

So it's a five minute film of the dad saying he's going out for cigarettes and never returning?

There's plenty of room for retelling the Aladdin story or even other stories from 1001 Nights. The Thief of Bagdad from the 1920s shows that there are better versions of the story out there, and it would be cool if they freely borrowed from these for a modern day retelling. But I hate the idea of attempting to simply

"Like when the Sith were supposed to be an alien Force-sensitive race?"

When I've brought up my feelings about Hamilton, some people have responded with, "Of course, it's corny. It's a big, brash musical." Perhaps, but at the same time I've heard others cay that it "Transcends its one sentence description." One of these things has to be wrong. Granted, I'm not much on musicals (although I

That's a rather perfect way to put it.

Living in a world where people apparently don't think the Hamilton musical is laughably corny, I think I know what it's like to be one of the people in Invasion of the Body Snatchers who has yet to be body snatched.

Don't worry. As Trump has made it abundantly clear, it's not like you'll have a choice in the matter.

Whitewashing is a thing, and it's a problem, but I'm still not convinced this is whitewashing. It's made by a very famous Chinese director with mostly Chinese actors and presumably a Chinese crew, and it just happens to include one white guy to appeal to an international audience. And unlike Hollywood, Zhang Yimou

Of course, Ohio gets three. It's an amazing state, Also, Times New Viking were a really underrated band.

It's because nerds who were losers in high school not drinking or getting any need someone to identify with and she fits the bill. (Full disclosure: as incredible as it may sound, I was one of those nerds in high school not drinking or getting any. But I still couldn't care less about Barb).

If it stops him from making more movies…

Stop reminding me that The Dissolve is no more. You're making me sad.

Aliens uses such economic character building. With the exception of Ripley, we don't have a background story for any of the characters, but they all feel like flesh and blood people. Today, they would have crammed in some stupid moment where it turns out Hicks's mother was killed by what he now realizes is an alien.

I liked how they went weird with some of the mystical Force stuff, but I also thought there were plenty of political episodes that were well done. The way the Banking Clan was squeezing both sides was clever, and honestly the only way out of the war without letting the Emperor win would be to find some sort of

Why doesn't some studio just hire the guys at Double Fine? The Pirates of the Caribbean liberally borrowed from Monkey Island, and from the sounds of it, Pixar's upcoming Day of the Movie seems like it might take inspiration from Grim Fandango. Just give me a Day of the Tentacle movie, damnit!

That's probably for the better.