
Although, I would argue that even if Lucas was sidelined, the show very clearly took the themes from the prequels and deepened them. He created a template for others to work with.

Don't destroy my premade narrative.

It makes me really happy that Lucas's last work with Star Wars was the Clone Wars TV show. It did a damn fine job of showing that plenty of the ideas in the prequels could have worked given the right collaborators. And although I liked Episode III, Clone Wars still felt like some sort of vindication for Lucas.

Jesus Christ, man. I'm eating here.

Sometimes I feel like for Facebook, human nature is a technical issue.

Yo, personal message me. We can work out a deal.

I too was blown away by MK when I was a kid, but I wouldn't call it a good movie. Still, it may stand to this day as the best video game movie made, which is kind of sad to think about.

I've always wondered why no one has been able to crack the code to making a successful video game movie. My guess has always been that so many video games are just slightly different copies of other media, so they come across as watered down versions of their source materials. Tomb Raider felt like a cut rate Indiana

There's no doubt in my mind that Marion Cotillard is a spy, a French spy sent to the U.S. to break up our celebrity power couples and thus eroding our nation's morale.

I'm not proud of it, but I was curious enough about the Batman v Superman's extended cut to steal it online. (I sure wasn't going to buy the blu ray). But when it comes to a director's cut of Suicide Squad, it's just not worth the very minimum hassle.

Every time the Young Pope meets someone new, they greet him with a variation of, "You mean you're the Pope? But you looks so yoooouung. I wasn't expecting a young Pope." And then Jude Law has to pretend to be humble.

Angel hair is bullshit. No one needs pasta that thin. Also al dente or GTFO.

I just finished this season, and I'm sure no one is going to read this, but I have to vent a little. This show was such a missed opportunity. There were some genuinely great moments. Whenever the police had to chase a drug dealer down the streets of Medellin, then it was really firing on all cylinders. And the

Almost Human. Never forget.

Anytime there's a scientist on TV, they know about every scientific discipline in deep detail, so why not let the show exaggerate the abilities of your average historian as well. It's their time to shine. Don't ruin it for them.

I have a vague recollection of an episode where old Indy starts telling story in a grocery store line, and by the end of the episode there's a huge crowd of people listening to hist tale of nostalgia. But if we're being honest, people don't usually gravitate to the elderly talking about nonsense in the grocery store.

Do mind repeating this every hour or so until election day? It would really help with my anxiety.

This statement makes no sense. Are you sure you aren't some imp from the fifth dimension?

I've been meaning to revisit the original trilogy. Maybe they aged better than expected, or maybe they just weren't what I expected originally.

I really want one Pirates of the Caribbean sequel to be good. I like parts of all three sequels, but none of them really work as films for one reason or another. One thing's for sure, the design and special effects teams on these films don't slack. Javier Bardem's character looks cool.