
I hope Michael Bay makes a Don Quixote movie. Think of all the windmills he'd blow up.

I believe that was Bill Kristol who happens to be wrong about everything all the time.

But you just wasted your vote!

Even Nurse Ratched is anti-Trump.

This article doesn't mention that before this scene it looks like Vincennes is rediscovering becoming a cop after years of only being concerned with his role in Hollywood. Finally, he starts caring and begins following this investigation. But just as his arc of redemption starts, he gets it. It's a brilliant piece of

It can be…something, something. I forget how that ends.

There have been plenty of 80s and 90s rockers who have reformed in recent years to put out solid to great albums. (Dinosaur Jr., Mazzy Star, and Mission of Burma all come to mind). So I kind of wonder why The Pixies can't pull it off. Indie Cindy barely registered with me, and what I've heard of the latest seems

I was thinking more along the lines of Eric Roberts. Thanks to his turn in A Talking Cat!?! he has experience voicing animals.

Nat Turner's really fascinating. He actually had an as told to autobiography written before he was (SPOILER) executed. William Styron wrote a novel about Turner, but it's kind of terrible and arguably racist.

I still buy mp3s and even CDs. I stream plenty, but I want to give back to the artists, and I don't trust that in a few years time I'll be able to listen to my favorite artists on a single streaming service.

Good thing Mark Walberg was on the Deepwater Horizon platform when the explosion happened. If he wasn't there on that fateful day, there could have been oil spewing into the Gulf for nearly ninety days.

Nolan is a fine visual stylist, so I really have no clue why he relies so heavily on characters spewing exposition.

So is this like a remake of Steven Seagal's On Deadly Ground?

It's kind of funny that supermarket tabloids can run divorce rumors for years on the assumption that the Hollywood couple in question will probably split in the not too distant future, meaning they were right after all.

Somehow I had no clue that Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter split. Love just isn't real.

No love for Emperor's New Groove?

There's a reason why Tom Wolfe called the Baby Boomers the "Me Generation."

Daredevil has yet to pull off a fully satisfying season. It's like they run out of energy halfway through. Season 2 started off promising, but the back half of that season was just embarrassingly bad. There are episodes in season 2 of Daredevil that make even season 1 of SHIELD look like goddamn Citizen Kane.

Aren't anthologies and miniseries having a comeback? It's time to bring back the TV movie!

Whatever happened to TV movies that occurred after the cancellation of a regular TV show? I remember there were a couple of McGyver movies, and I think The Rockford Files had a few. Anyway, that seems like the perfect format for the continued adventures of Agent Cater.