
I wonder if the higher ups at Snapchat quickly threw this product together after realizing that a social network site where people share pictures probably isn't worth the billions of dollars that investors seem to think it is.

We all need our dreams and aspirations.

The last two Universal Soldier films are way out of American Sniper's league.

I think the model for most midcentury Hollywood films was the short story, but these days it's the novel. I wish more studios would make interesting midbudget films. A24 shows that it can be done and can be done profitably.

"Imagine if next year, in the height of summer, we got an American Sniper sequel where the government finds a way to reanimate Chris Kyle’s corpse and sends him off to single-handedly destroy ISIS."

At least the MacGyver reboot inspired me to look up some old clips on YouTube where I found this fan made montage of Murdoc's greatest hits set to Linkin Park, which might be the greatest thing I've seen all week, maybe all year.

Richard Dean Anderson almost had a Zen vibe to him. The way he played the character, MacGyver was related to the archetype of the "reluctant badass," the guy who has incredible skills at kicking ass but wants to explore any other option first. (See: Billy Jack or Ip Man).

A number of years ago, a few friends and I were on vacation in upstate New York where we had rented a house together. One night, we drank way too much. The next morning everyone was extremely hungover (this was the last time in my life that I've experienced a hangover of this magnitude and I hope it will be my last).

I too always assumed the Federation made contact with the Cardassians sometime after Kirk and company. Somehow making the Cardassians a part of the Trek mythos back in Kirk's time makes the galaxy seem smaller.

I liked the first season of True Detective in large part thanks to Fukunaga's direction, but his talents are best suited for the big screen.

I've never been bothered by the special effects shots, because with Goldsmith's score those moments always work for me. What I don't particularly like about TMP are those random parts in the first half that feel like they're staling for time, like the transporter malfunction and the weird wormhole thing. You could nix

There's way too much padding during the beginning of TMP, but once you get to the giant space cloud things pick up (relatively). It's a cool hard sci-fi story, it's got some great special effects for the time, and the score is fan-fucking-tastic. It pretty much established the music of Star Trek. Thank you, Jerry

I by no means hate everything Abrams has done, but one of the enduring mysteries of Into Darkness is why he would make direct parallels to a film helmed by a director far more talented than he is. All it's going to do is showcase how much less deft of a director he is by comparison. The second half of that movie was

Is there a Reposted Memory Alpha who could tell me whether Cardassians live long enough for Garak to know both Kirk and Ben Sisko?

I'm pretty sure NBC had a Hardy Boys reboot where they were both girls and largely undernourished.

I always thought that helicopter his friend flew was really cool and also really underused.

Whenever I watch a movie from the 40s and 50s, I'm always surprised by the complexity of the characters and narrative. Sure, too often these films tack on a happy ending, but they're often far more nuanced than current Hollywood fare. And that was at the absolute height of the Hollywood studio.

I don't know what I'll do when the phrase "YouTube" celebrity stops being an oxymoron.

American Hustle was a complete mess and Joy was schmaltzy bullshit. I feel good that I no longer have to separate the art from the artist because these days both kind of blow.

That'll make things extra weird for the Brady/Belichick makeout scene.