
Obviously context matters and it's ultimately between the two people involved, but sending sexually charged images of yourself to others and receiving them goes beyond being a little flirtatious with a coworker at the company holiday party.

So this is the first time I've ever actually listened to that "California Gurls" song. Am I wrong, or is the chorus basically insinuating that Katy Perry will "like, totally suck you off" because she's a "California gurl"?

When you take everything into consideration, this is at least on par with actually cheating on your wife, but it's probably even worse.

The opening of this video rips off those Starburst, The Juice is Loose commercials from the 90s.

I'm sure plenty of people on the left would have jumped on this if Weiner were Republican. At the same time, David Vitter slept with prostitutes and still had a political career, so I still think there's a double standard.

"[O]n the scale of shitty things to do to a romantic partner, sexting is relatively low compared to, say, cheating and giving your partner an STD."

I'd like to think that the original film is still preeminent in the public imagination.


I'm pretty sure that for me, I ditched Weeds first and then True Blood. I'd like to thank Jenji Kohan for giving me the strength to walk away from really bad television.

I used to really stick with a series until the very end. Weeds was the show that broke me of that habit. It was a painful experience, but I think I'm better for it. Too bad I didn't watch and give up on Weeds before I sat through the entirety of Dexter.

I never got around to reading the manga, but for a time I was really into the film. No spoilers or anything, but in the manga does the ending at least approach making sense?

I'd be for this if it's from the zombie perspective. "In the zombie justice system there are two equally important groups: the humans with living brains and the zombies who eat them."

My favorite Beatles albums are Rubber Soul and Revolver because they have one foot in experimenting and one foot in writing tight rock and roll songs. Those transition albums also seem less dated than Sgt. Peppers and the White Album, at least to my ears. Once you get beyond Revolver, they start messing around in the

I rewatched The Hunt for Red October for the first time in forever, and somehow I had forgotten that it also was a John McTiernan joint.

For me, it was the line "The world's most persistent belt salesman" from The Pumaman.

No sarcasm. I really liked Noah. It's not perfect, but I thought Aronofsky did some interesting work with the story. He also wasn't overly protective of the original story, which usually kills Biblical adaptations.

What I really want from my ancient myth of a man fitting two of every animal on Earth onto a single boat is grounded realism. Also, I really liked Aronofsky's Noah, so this has a high hurdle to clear.

I'm going to say something controversial and suggest that this dude is way too interested in the sex lives of underage teenagers.

I also blame Adam Corrola for looking like the unfunny brother of Gilbert Gottfried.

That made me flinch the first time I saw the movie and it made me flinch just now as well. I don't know how he didn't break his neck on that first fall.