
I thought we liked the remake because it was a piece of fluff. (Really well shot, charismatic, and stylized fluff).

Why isn't Jackie Chan dead?

I don't really understand the term "rockist." I started seeing it pop up a few years ago, and as I understand it, the term means people who automatically see rock music as the preeminent form of popular music. But who does this anymore? Most of the cultural conversation occurs around pop, hip hop, and R&B. It's weird

Although I live on the East Coast of the United States, Facebook seems to think I'm interested in the North Shore of Sydney, Australia. Weird. Also, they apparently still remember all of the bands and books I put on my profile way back when I first signed up for a Facebook account but subsequently deleted. I'm sorry

All you have to do is say the words Martha and The Americans and my mind immediately conjures up the characters saying "Clark!"

The more I hear of the internet's obsession with Barb, the happier I am she died. You're a wet blanket, Barb, and no one likes you.

When he discovered that CGI is an easy shortcut in filmmaking, he's become progressively lazier (although I did like Sin City and even enjoyed its slipshod sequel).

With this kind of money, Johnson's going to change his nickname to the 14 ct. Rock.

Love on the Run is frustrating because there are interesting moments in the movie, but the clip show nature of it pretty much ruins the whole thing for me.

I like that interpretation. And doesn't Antoine's mom say something about taking him to the sea for the first time earlier in the film? I could be wrong, but I thought it was implied this was the first time he's actually seen the ocean.

That's likely true. But I was kind of hoping the beer would make up for not seeing it in 3D.

Funny enough, I always took that final shot as Antoine being totally and completely lost. For me, it's a look of desperation, and the following films never quite reclaim that. Sure, Antoine suffers from ennui and an inability to be fully satisfied with life, but he's never really desperate in the same way.

It's streaming on Netflix so now's your chance. I recommend watching it on a Sunday while day drunk like I did.

You have to start the title with a smarmy "No" as if you're chastising the reader. "No. Truffaut was Decidedly Not a Genius."

Maybe it's because of it's outsized reputation, but I also get the feeling like The 400 Blows is separate from the other films. Also, while The 400 Blows has plenty of humor, it also seems heavier than the rest of the series, which has a much lighter touch.

Woah. This is like turning into the Inception of celebrity feuds.

Disney probably just found out they could pay Harmon in Jack Daniels and figured why not.

At first I thought she was laying it on a little thick, but she also had to make it believable that others thought she was completely crazy. So in the end, I thought she showed the appropriate amount of hysteria.

Well, I'm packing it in and taking off the rest of the week because it's just not going to get any better than this.

I've heard that, but I haven't gotten around to checking it out. Ohio has a surprising number of great zoos.