
The Cincinnati Zoo is all right, but it's not even the best zoo in Ohio. I would actually put both the Columbus and Cleveland zoos ahead of it.

That's how the internet gets around. It does not, however, drive a big truck.

I'd like to know what Marky Mark has to say about trading in Boston for Chicago.

"What's the point" is basically the internet's middle name. It's full name is Internet "What's the Point" Web.

That photo of James Murphy with the long hair, shirt with a terrible pattern, and what looks like a gold chain is too damn funny. Instead of posting that shit here, you first should have seen if Murphy would pay you not to.

They could have the guys from Mastadon score the new film. It worked for Jonah Hex. (Actually, it didn't work for Jonah Hex).

I believe "Serious' films" is grammatically incorrect. You only use the apostrophe without the "s" when the noun itself is plural, like in "Many cities' housing problems…". Here it should have been "Serious's films."

"The hashtag #JusticeForBarb has been cropping up all over social media since the show was released a summer ago"

That's unfortunate, but the 80s were really a different time culturally…Wait, Norbit was released in 2007! What the fuck.

Eddie Murphy's homophobic jokes from the 80s have not exactly aged well to say the least. But his jabs at Bill Cosby have only improved with time.

I was just thinking that with a name change and a little dubbing, MGM could have just pretended this was that Ben Kenobi movie people keep on talking about possibly happening in the near future. Sure, Disney's lawyers would eviscerate them, but look at that weekend box office. It's not like they had a lot to lose.

You have my attention Japan, but if you really want me to tune in, then you'll force the marathoners to run in those Tanooki suits.

As much as I like the convenience of having North Korean propaganda delivered to me through the internet, I just don't want to pay for another streaming service.

People need to get out there and see Kubo. It's one of those films that operates on dual levels: one for the adults and one for the youngin's. The kids at my screening didn't seem bored. They laughed when they were supposed to. The worst behavior I noticed was a young child asking questions about the movie, which

Thanks for that. I thought I was going crazy. As a kid I remember thinking that the laugh track was kind of a hilarious parody of sitcoms in general. Taking out the laugh track sounds like a terrible idea.

Was the laugh track only in the first season? For some reason I always thought that was a staple of the entire series.

This song is a perennial Christmas favorite.

I'd hardly call X Ray Spex and Poly Styrene obscure. If you have a cursory familiarity with punk music, then you likely have heard of them. Although I agree with the goal of getting more people to know about X Ray Spex because they're awesome.

Marvel's still letting this candy ass star in one of their films?

I hope Carnahan does the same thing with Bad Boys 3 as he did with The Grey. Make it look in the trailers like it's going to be a kickass action film, but actually make the movie an existential rumination about man's place within nature and the inevitability that we as well as everyone we know will die. Which, come to