
If Shaq doesn't show up as Steel in a Reign of the Supermen movie, then I'm done with the DCEU.

Call it whatever you want. Just be aware that Shaquille O'Neal is still available.

I like Pavement's entire discography, but for my money Slanted and Enchanted is still their best.

That would be amazing. I would love for Lucasarts to return to their roots and start giving Telltale a run for their money.

Just give us a sequel to Day of the Tentacle already, Disney!

John Krasinski better start practicing his best Harrison Ford accusatory finger.

Funny. When I first heard about Shane Black's writing career, my first thought was, "The guy who played Hawkins wrote Lethal Weapon?"

I guess if you mean in the same manner as herpes, then yes. Yes it is.

And just earlier today I read an article that stated that wage theft by employers in total value far outstrips all other forms of theft. So I guess today was the internet's wage theft awareness day.

Hulu is like the kid squeaking by during high school on mostly Ds and a few Cs.

It looks like you're new at this. You're supposed to mockingly mention Zach Braff and then say something about the Shins changing your life. This unironic enthusiasm just won't do.

I'll trust that McG can make a real movie the moment he decides on a real name.

That's a shame. Sometimes the jokes were a little too obvious, but the cast always seemed like they were having a great time, and that energy came through.

So what you're saying is that Warner Brothers is going to figure out that they have a stable of popular characters, and no matter what crap they release, fans are going to see it in droves.

Um, I distinctly remember you owning a spider buggy at some point. Care to explain?

I think it's a little more complicated. In the United States we have truly terrible public transportation. Most of the country doesn't even have access to buses. This means that in order to live, you need a car. Thus, people who might not be in a financial position to buy a car are forced into the market. The people

Cuomo comes off as a bit of a creep on the album, but the album is also very much aware of his creepiness. That's what saves the album for me—its self-reflective nature. It is named after the asshole in the "Madame Butterfly" short story, after all. There's plenty of self-loathing in these songs, and I can see why

Actually, I think this story suggests it is outdated, even if it's still being used.

I guess I was being pretty U.S.centric (is that a word?). But, yeah, it's worth your time.

You've never read Gatsby? It's like two hundred pages. Get on that shit ASAP.