
Do people even ask the father of the bride for "permission" to marry their daughter anymore? It's such an outdated and patriarchal custom. It seems like it should have been put to bed a generation ago.

But those last two episodes are when it really gets good.

It's like the CW is waving Dolph Lundgren in my face trying to get me to start watching Arrow again. I'm not biting, CW.

I wouldn't call myself a prequels apologist (except for maybe Revenge of the Sith), but those are seriously weird blockbusters that we'll never see the likes of again. No one other than George Lucas could spend hundreds of millions of dollars on his personal art project with almost no thought to what the audience

It's been interesting to see the reputation of the Clinton years slowly fade over the course of the 21st century.

Wait, wasn't Adam Driver in the Marines?

How have they not used that Brett Ratner photo for at least one of these articles.

Could some editor at the AV Club please assign Sean O'Neal to run The Fast and the Furious series. Your audience demands it.

I'm trying to figure out which information I gleaned from this article is more shocking: this hamburger/burrito monstrosity or the fact that Donald Trump implied someone should assassinate Hilary Clinton.

This obsession with junk food does make me wonder about the diet of the average writer for the AV Club. I'm starting to worry about their health.

I too always got the sense that he held CNN in greater contempt than Fox News. Unless you're and idiot or senile, you should know what you're getting with Fox News. CNN might actually fool you into thinking it's real news.

This article does dip a little into the ol' "both sides do it" fallacy of false equivalency. In theory, there's nothing wrong with a news program that has a political viewpoint. You could imagine a version of Fox News that still maintained its conservative perspective, respected the diversity of conservative

The Criterion Collection is how I've justified paying Hulu money for the past year. Once it's gone and they've gotten rid of free streaming, I think I may have to look elsewhere to watch network television online.

Here's why I hated Suicide Squad more than BvS: Suicide Squad should have been a slam dunk. The story of BvS and Snyder's attempt at "deconstructing" the superhero movie is ambitious, but it's clear he's just not up to the task. (There are some scenes in the extended cut that are moving in the right direction, but it

After Kent refused to write that sports piece on the football game, Perry White probably just assumes he fired him anyway.

Only if Carville plays Brainiac.

I wonder how they're going to explain Clark Kent's mysterious return, since he was supposed to have died during the big battle at the end of Batman v Superman.

Damn good article. Man, 1996 was really having an identity crisis. It seems like the end of the decade could be split between boy bands and nu-metal.

Dejectedly, Dexter Jettster walks away, hunched over and kicking dirt.

I finished watching Stranger Things. The show has so many 80s film callbacks that it's like they were mining my childhood memories. It bordered on pandering, and I almost feel guilty for really liking the show. Also, it happens to be a really well told story.