
I contend to this day that Al Gore totally ripped off Steven Seagal's environmental speech and slideshow at the end of On Deadly Ground.

A Talking Cat!?!

At the same time, CNN also hired Donald Trump's former campaign manager.

I do!

But even those standalone movies have to use Marvel and Disney's house style. Edgar Wright got booted from Ant-Man presumably because he was doing his own thing. I like the Marvel movies, but they usually look so goddamn boring. I sometimes wish we could go back to the days when a Tim Burton or Sam Raimi could feel

That opening scream buried under all of that guitar fuzz on "Little Fury Thing" gets me every time.

He probably shouldn't have been traveling while swallowing Dramamine.

Although I never went goth, I obsessively watched this film when I was younger. I still think it has some great visuals, even though it's earnestness can be kind of corny.

It always bothers me when that first wave of grunge and alternative (Nirvana, The Melvins, Smashing Pumpkins) gets lumped in with bands who were trying to ride their coattails (Bush, Candlebox, etc.).

I was just thinking the other day that before he gave that speech, Antonio Sabato Jr. was EVERYWHERE!

You know that they're just going to pair some Hutt with an unreasonably attractive wife.

The first season of this show put a giddy smile on my face. I really couldn't believe that we live in a world where a TV show was allowed to parody classic documentaries. Thank the gods for the longtail.

I think you mean, "and LL Cool J hadn’t yet elevated the entire art form by rapping about Deep Blue Sea."

This is easily the most hilariously idiotic comment in the entire interview. It's like, no, people weren't called racists for saying racist things because when you were a kid most people were racists!

I think AV Club is just going through some shit right now. It's going to lash out and push some boundaries for a while, but when it gets to the other end of this turmoil, I think things are going to be better for everyone involved.

Even if the original graphic novel, which has some of Miller's best artwork even though it is still kind of racist, was written before 9/11, Orientalism has a long and storied history. There's no doubt in my mind that the film succeeded in large part because audiences in America were ready to watch white dudes kill

I think the film invites a clear connection to modern political events. It's obviously not trying to be historically accurate, and I think there's a really obvious message of let's protect the West from these Eastern barbarians.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This article is unfair. Some of us like jerking off to schizophrenic clowns' girlfriends.

I only play adventure games, so I had never played the Borderland games, and I was planning on skipping Tales from the Borderlands until my brother convinced me to give it a try. I'm glad I did, because it's probably one of Telltale's absolute best. They nail the tone perfectly.

Of all the criticism of the film, the one comment that has made me reconsider seeing the movie is that it uses tired rock and roll musical cues. If I ever hear "Sympathy for the Devil" in a movie again, it will be too soon.