
I enjoy The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow, but they're hardly perfect. If Warner Brothers had released films of comparable quality, I think people would decry them as terrible, not because it would actually be terrible, but because on the internet things are either the greatest or the worst. For whatever reason, TV

I don't agree with Trump on just about anything. But I do agree that that baby was being an asshole.

I'm calling it now: the film's going to be about a city pet getting left out in the country.

I'm more of a DC guy than a Marvel guy, so I'm hoping against hope that I'm going to enjoy this one. But I will adjust my expectations accordingly.

I know. I can't help but feel sorry for the guy, even though his Lucy isn't a terribly accurate depiction.

I'd have hit it.

Mission of Burma's The Obliterati is definitely worth a listen. It's probably the best of their post-reunion albums, and it goes toe to toe with their classics.

Hey, creating these disgusting Frankenfoods has helped us become one of the most innovative countries on the globe.

I wouldn't go that far, but it would be nice if a comedian could make it to the punch line without suffering from cardiac arrest.

I think you stumbled on what this series needed to thrive: more kids with cancer.

I'm surprised they could a-fjord the rights to this song.

I actually think that Janeway was the most successful captain because she somehow figured out a way to make space shuttles mysteriously reappear after being destroyed.

Out of the many reasons why I hate Colin Quinn, I think number one is that the guy sounds like he's constantly out of breath. Did he run a marathon before each Weekend Update or was he just that out of shape?

I didn't mind how they used Two Face in The Dark Knight since it served the needs of that series. Still, he wasn't able to be up front and center as a villain in the same way as the Joker, Bane, or even the Penguin. The less said about Batman Forever, the better.

I got around to seeing the newest Star Trek. It's probably the best of the new batch. I was happy that Karl Urban got more screen time. The movie is light and breezy in contrast to most summer blockbusters these days. I was surprised by how much the film put a smile on my face.

I've got a new spin on it, though. This time, the Joker suggests that he and the Batman aren't so different after all.

Two Face has appeared in two (three if you count Harvey Dent in Tim Burton's first Batman) movies, and he still hasn't really been given his due.

Apparently nostalgia for My So Called Life goes a long way.

f) cocaine (again)

This is what Howard the Duck: The Movie has reduced us to: discussing the possible shape of an anthropomorphic duck penis. The film just keeps on causing harm to humanity.