
One film or three, I don't really care so long as they explain how the fuck you can use parsecs, a measure for distance, to measure how quickly you can complete the goddamn Kessel Run.

You know how when some people retire they get really into fishing or golf? It's like that, but with Soderbergh it's TV shows.

No one picks Sisko!? What the hell, people?

I'm very much enjoying the character actor phase of Matthew Lillard's career.

I'm going to do something crazy and wait to see the final results before I make a judgment call.

I'll vote for Burgess Meredith in The Twilight Zone episode, "Printer's Devil," which is about a man who sells his soul to save his failing newspaper. The plot sounds both old timey and something that could be remade today with just a few tweaks. Burgess Meredith, as always, is an absolute delight.

That doesn't stand for "friend." It stands for Fred. His wife has a lot of Freds, but her best one is black.

I've never really understood this joke. I guess I've always found Chinese food really filling.


No song by the LA band X, no deal.

Thanks for the tip. It turns out Twitter is good for something after all.

I feel like The Path is so close to being a good show, but it just needs that extra care to get it there. They do a good job of showing how somehow could get sucked into this world.

Okay, that tweet contrasting Chewbacca Mom and Gandhi was pretty fucking funny.

My point is we're all the worst, Stride Mother, and that's what ties the whole human family together.

Maybe I'll return to the Grizzly Bear in the future. I liked the band, or at least the idea of the band, enough to buy two albums.

Sick Grizzly Bear burn. Unfortunately, you're right. I own two of their albums, and I've listened to them a bunch hoping for something to stick, but they seem like a better band in theory than in practice.

Remember the good old days when the entertainment markets weren't globalized and we could pretend that outside of America there were throngs of audiences hungry for sophisticated art? Now I'm cursed with the knowledge that morons are a global phenomenon.

If the AV Club had even the slightest bit of journalistic integrity, they would at least try to get a quote from Herman Cain about what he thinks of all this Pokemon business.

Ewan McGregor's Minnesota accent has to better than his generic American accent. It just has to be.

I learned that no matter what mistakes I make in my life, I can always blame them on my wife and Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc.