
"i want you to be happy, but i do not share this particular enthusiasm."

So did Bobby Brown release the Ghostbuster track before or after he supposedly had sex with a ghost?

One of the weird elements of these female celebrity profile puff pieces is how much they emphasize the food these women eat. In these articles, the women are always ordering a hamburger or something to seem down to earth, and the author always writes about it.

This is just more evidence that we need a much higher marginal tax rate. Otherwise, rich people just spend their money stupid shit like this.

First the library and now the AV Club! Why is everyone telling me where I can or cannot jizz?!

I'm a Guided by Voices/Robert Pollard fan, so I get the appeal of artists who sacrifice quality control for quantity. But I only have room for one of those sorts of artists in my life right now.

I think the inclusion of the definite article separates this project from the album Hanna released in the late nineties.

Man, I was really into At the Drive in back in the day, but I only bought the first Mars Volta album, and then I sort of forgot about them. At this point, it looks like it's just way too much work to catch up on this guy's stuff.

Did you include all those quotes so readers would sound out George Takei's voice in their heads? If so, it worked, and it was a delight.

"The three-cent stamp! The gosh darn three-cent stamp!"

Wilford Brimley hasn't aged a day since The Thing, but he also looked like he was already in his eighties thirty-four years ago.

I feel like people have assumed that Larry King is on his deathbed for at least the last fifty years. He's one of those guys who has always looked like he's ninety-years old. So he'll either die in 2016 like every other celebrity or he'll just live forever.

Ah, Fringe. It was definitely firing on all cylinders throughout season three, but I do think the choice to essentially destroy all the characters we know in the fourth season was a massive misstep. As the review notes, Fringe got tons of mileage out getting the audience to relate to and care about its characters, so

Ice Cream Driver: We're getting killed out there, boss! What are we gonna do?!

It took me way too long to realize this wasn't a new TV show or something.

Calling it now: Rey has a Donald Trump style comb over.

I just briefly skipped through their second and third album, and, yeah, there are a few good ones on News and Tributes, but it's kind of bogged down in more ballady stuff. At the time it didn't bother me too much because I chalked it up to them expanding their sound. Besides, "Skip to the End," "Worry about It Later,"

Yeah, why aren't we talking about Marco Polo more? Sure, the first season started slowly, but it eventually moved past its place as the orientalist Game of Thrones.

That first Futureheads album is still fantastic. I was really hoping they were going to turn out to be something great. I bought the second and third album before I finally gave up on them.