
Cruise's insane death wish means that he's the only one giving American audiences real stunts these days.

I really dug the first Jack Reacher. It reminded me of a classic 70s action film, which you don't see too much of these days. Also, it has Werner Herzog as a villain and Sam Worthington isn't too bad as his right hand man.

We live and we learn.

You don't sneak beer bottles into a movie theater. You bring a flask. What is this, amateur hour!

That's adorable that Roland Emmerich thinks that the plot of an Independence Day sequel is more complicated than aliens show up, aliens destroy national monuments, aliens blow up.

"A dragon? Well, sheeeeeeiiiit."

Don't forget Bill Pullman in 1600 Penn!

I'm pretty sure I saw some spine come out with the rest of his head.

Take a rest, Internet. You've done well for yourself today.

I'm all for an alien invasion comedy, but the social commentary in this show sounds so milquetoast. Those clowns in congress are at it again, folks!

Modern Life Is Rubbish is way too British for me.

So before this season, I waited until the episodes had aired and then went through them one day at a time (I don't really binge watch). This is the first time I've actually waited a week at a time, and, man, nothing fucking happens in this show. I'm totally fine when a show is a slow burn character study (like

I'm pretty sure that the line “Don’t let the fuckers get you down” is a reference to the Savages's song "Fuckers" off of one of their E.P.s.

"(Harrelson in a wig)": Great parenthetical or greatest parenthetical?

From the description it also kind of sounds like what a late 21st century sequel to Legend might look like.

Until I saw the second trailer for this completely biologically accurate and realistic movie, I didn't know that sharks could breach like that. But I guess you learn something new everyday.

I don't know. I doubt Warcraft has the audacity to include a line of dialogue like, "There's nothing royal about my bowels."

This is why I've always thought the complaint that Bruce Wayne should be doing more to root out the systemic causes of crime was pretty stupid. Throughout B:TAS, we see Bruce Wayne working with foundations to better the city. The Batman I grew up with was worried about more than just costumed supervillains.

Looking back on this series, one thing I really appreciate is that not every episode was about a Batman fighting some supervillain. They threw in a few where he was tangling with gangsters and corporate crooks.

"[A] Ghost Rider reboot is entirely plausible, thanks to Hollywood’s raging reboot fever"