
"For those who accept the 1960s Adam West Batman as a legitimate interpretation of the character, Batman & Robin is an underrated gem, an endlessly inventive candy-coated cartoon that fully embraces the spirit of camp that lies near the beating heart of every superhero story."

If you get in good with the robots now, then later on they'll keep you around as a pet instead of incinerating you.

The only thing that could have possibly redeemed that movie is if those two kids were eaten. Instead, their surrogate caretaker is viciously torn apart as punishment for being a woman who also has a career.

The reunion albums have no business being as good as they are.

Not only does self-checkout make it easy to steal, but I would imagine it also makes the perpetrator feel less guilty about it. After all, if they didn't want you to steal, then they could pay someone eight bucks an hour.

It's the food service industry. What do you expect?

Fine. But first Pepper needs to go through a trial to determine whether or not she has the same rights as a human being.

Well, when I was out on a delivery, it was more like that pizza was the president and I was the secret service. It was more of a calling than a job, really.

"Neil Young seems to have acquiesced to the growing storm(front) of support for Donald Trump."

As a former employee in pizza logistics, I find those Digiornos commercials downright offensive.

I remember enjoying the hell out of both Wayne's World movies and So I Married an Ax-Murderer. What happened, Mike Myers? Maybe the schtick he used when he was younger just doesn't work when he's middle aged.

Trauma always occurs in the present tense.

At least Planet of the Apes had physical sets, which were once the highlight of Burton's films. In Alice, Burton had a huge Hollywood budget and it seems to have consumed him.

Depp had two options: 1) start filming smaller idiosyncratic roles that expand on his craft as an actor or 2) pick roles that will help him with a down payment on a second private island.

I never really got into the genre, but !!! and The Rapture seemed like they were just about to become huge. Not too long ago I was playing a video game that featured a song by The Rapture, and I remember thinking, "Oh, yeah. They were a thing once."

The first movie was insufferable and easily Burton's worst film. I think the weirdest part of the movie, though, comes at the end when Alice decides she wants to go help colonize China. What…the…fuck.

Ah, !!!. Remember when dance-punk was the next big thing for about half a minute. Also, was the early aughts the last time that New York had a music scene that seemed particular to the city and of national importance?

So I take it you're also not a Darth Vader fan?

So, I take it you don't know how to date Natalie Dormer either?

If you're going to fail, then you might as well fail big.