
I really love the fact that McDonald's decided that the one location in the country that needed the McLobster was New England. I mean, where else are they going to get lobster rolls?

"What if we make a Mario Brothers movie that's also a Blade Runner mash up. Boom! License to print money!"

These myths have the potential to be retold over and over again, but this looks way too similar to the animated film.

I don't know why people are complaining about the review. Ignatiy wrote a nascent critical analysis of the film. So what? That's more interesting than a plot analysis followed by a recommendation to see the film or not.

But what I really want to know is, has anyone asked James Iha what he thinks about chemtrails?

Finally whites are getting the credit they deserve!

From what I've read, the makers of this Axanar movie were far more interested than other makers fan films in pocketing some of the dough, and that's what got the studio upset, not that it had higher production values as these Newswires repeatedly suggest. I even read an article where other makers of fan films were

I have to return to Plot Against Common Sense soon. I remember thinking at the time that the album was a bit too long especially for a band whose music can be so punishing.

I haven't spent enough time with "The Peace & Truth," but go back and relisten to "How to Stop Your Brain in an Accident," which I think is their absolute best. (Although, Travels with Myself and Another is a very, very close second).

10 Cloverfield Lane, The Green Room, Midnight Special, and now The Nice Guys: this year has been killer for mid to low budget genre fair.

It's like looking into the warped processes of a deranged mind. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to study this deranged mind of a madman.

The Goblin showed up in the last Spiderman movie!? How many villains did that film have?

I liked The Revenant. It was a great looking movie, and I think DiCaprio deserves credit for putting himself through the ringer. I felt like I was freezing when I watched the movie, and I don't think that would have been conveyed without the sort of punishment DiCaprio took on.

I liked OGF as a bleak film noir. It's not the best of the genre, but it looks nice. But, yeah, Valhalla Rising is the kind of film where Refn's attempts at being arty trip up what could have been a fun viking film.

Huh. So apparently Hiddleston has lost the all important phrenology enthusiasts demographic.

I was so excited when I found out that Harris was going to be in a Bond film, but then I quickly became disappointed when I realized that her talents were going to be wasted as Moneypenny.

All style and no substance isn't always a bad thing, so long as the director keeps on delivering some great style, which I think Refn's more enjoyable films do.

I find Refn to be a great genre director who doesn't quite have the right skills to be the art house director he really wants to be. And that's not a knock on genre directors. There are plenty of art house directors who could never achieve what more traditional genre directors can.

"Solid" pretty accurately describes the remake. I don't think it needs to exist, but it was reasonably entertaining. For some reason I saw it in theaters, so this has been a while.

Nobody likes sand. It's his hatred of sand that made Anakin so relatable.