
I was going to go with Tina. Secretly that's what her zombie fetish is all about.

Cable news personalities are more actors than they are journalists, so it's really no surprise when they bomb on Jeopardy every year. It's usually more surprising to see which comedian or actor is going to bury them.

He seems to be pretty good at dating and marrying women way out of his league.

I'm hardly the most knowledgeable person when it comes to hip-hop, but the song that first made me pay attention to Kanye was "Stronger." From there, check out "Jesus Walks," "Power," and "Black Skinhead." If those songs don't work for you, then you're probably just not a Kanye fan.

His unholy union is definitely a demerit.

I don't quite understand the Kanye hate. Sure, he's a narcissist, but so is every other popular actor and musician out there. The only difference is that Kanye is fucking entertaining. He speaks his mind, even when what he has to say is kind of nuts. He's also talented. Not everything he produces is great, but he's

I try to be an adult. I try to have at least a modicum of maturity. But how are you supposed to read this sentence and not break out into laughter?: "But it’s those who least want to see Weiner who most definitely should."

It's also just a lazy trope that will make its way into the film because that's what's supposed to happen.

The closest we've come in recent years to a Nancy Drew TV show is Veronica Mars. I'd be happy to see CBS come up with something similar, but transforming the character into something generic just isn't all that exciting to me or to test audiences apparently.

First the Ilsa series and now this. Who the hell did Bramesco piss off at the AV Club head office?

Well, now I'm impressed.

Something like that. It's been a while.

Something about Michael and George-Michael dating the same woman. Yeah, it's been a while. I plan to revisit the fourth season sometime this year to see if it holds up, but there's just too much TV!

For me, the season steadily improved as it went along. I'm not sure if the later episodes were just funnier or if I was getting used to the new format. Regardless, I'm just glad they went in a new direction and didn't just repeat themselves.

I already subscribe to Hulu and Netflix, and I'm not crazy about adding a third. So I'm not saying that I will pirate this but…

Actually, now that I think about it, I do remember a T2/Passion of the Christ spoof where the Terminator has to go back and save Christ from being crucified by the Romans, but Christ wants to be killed because it's a part of God's plan. It was actually kind of funny and clever. I'll give you that one, MadTV.

Yeah, I'm definitely not making the case that it's a great TV show that you absolutely must watch, like, right now! But it's actually one of the better superhero shows on TV, if you're into that kind of thing.

During the last third of the first season, it started to get its shit together and has since improved with every season. It's a solid series that's better than most superhero TV shows. Hell, I would put it above The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and season 2 of Daredevil.

At least mentioning the Inhumans would have made that section of the film make more sense. Vision says something about superpowered people appearing at an exponential rate, which doesn't really fit what we've seen in the films unless he's referring to events on SHIELD.

The one thing that sticks out is that kind of racist Ms. Swan character, although I wouldn't have been able to remember her name if I didn't just read the above article. Maybe I'm being unfair, but MadTV just struck me as far broader and lazier than SNL, even during the latter show's bad years.