
What really sucks is that if you go to the website to buy the CD, you don't get a download as well.

In the reviewer's defense, the album only came out a couple of days ago, so they haven't had much time for the music to sink in. For me, Radiohead's music takes a good bit of time and effort to untease. My guess is that given more time, the grade might be different.

After reading the original article, it's clear that this isn't some sort of huge expose, but it does showcase the kind of power that tech companies have and could potentially wield.

I assume that everyone taking their mother to see Mother's Day secretly hate their mother.

I definitely got caught up with the Courtney Love hate back in high school, but not too long ago I went back and actually spent time listening to Live Through This and Celebrity Skin. And, you know what, they're damn good albums that completely hold up twenty years later.

A few months ago, a friend of mine who I knew from grade school visited me in my now adoptive city. We of course grew up loving Nirvana.

I'm somewhat sympathetic to this point of view. I try to read or watch things that are more challenging to balance out my pop culture tastes. I understand the argument that the high brow and low brow divide is a fiction, but I do think there's still something to be said for art that purposefully challenges and

I finished up Philip K. Dick's novel We Can Build You, which was funny, touching, and entirely disjointed. There are a lot of great little moments, but the don't really tie together in the end.

The cane that one of the boyz has throughout the video is pretty freakin' killer. I'm not going to lie.

I completely agree that the first Captain America is underrated. I actually think it's the best of the Marvel films, and it also happens to be the only one I felt the need to watch more than once. If you separate that film from the Marvel universe, then it genuinely feels like a Joe Johnston movie, which is basically

I'll never forgive this film for unintentionally causing the rap career of Chet Hanks.

I think "serious" news outlets are mostly at fault. First, for not understanding that Trump was tapping into a pretty strong reserve of resentment among whites and, second, for never figuring out how to actually hold his feet to the fire when it came to specific policies.

At this point, it's hardly even worth complaining about, but that's not what "nonplussed" means.

So the video is basically Thom Yorke walking around secretly hoping that someone recognizes him as the lead singer of Radiohead?

When I clicked on the article, I thought Justin Timberlake had written a song about the 1990 B-movie classic Troll 2. Now I think I'm going to sue for false advertisement.

I'll allow it so long as they also hire Noah Wyle so that La Salle can keep on giving that guy shit.

I think this was my first John Carpenter film, and it turned me off of Carpenter for years. Luckily, I got past that first impression, and maybe I would actually appreciate Escape from L.A. as an adult.

And the author of The Education of Little Tree(!)(?)

It's interesting to compare Dirty Harry to Death Wish. I watched Death Wish for the first time a few years ago, and I hated it. Normally, I can laugh at right wing agitprop, but I found it to be more execrable than I expected. It didn't help that the Trayvon Martin shooting was still fresh in my mind.

What makes a man turn neutral?