
So Pluto Nash is finally getting a TV series?!

Somehow I always get this movie confused with every other computer animated flop of the last ten years.

Thankfully, I think we've actually moved to a point in human evolution where you can honestly ask, "Remember when EDM was a thing?"

Judging by the first season of SHIELD where half the episodes were X-Files ripoffs, that Fitz and Simmons spinoff doesn't sound like a great idea. But I agree that the characters probably work better in an ensemble.

At best Batman V Superman was an interesting failure, and I think movie reviewers, who have to watch a ton of films for their job, sometimes prefer something that's a complete mess, but at least feels different than something that's reasonably entertaining for an afternoon. I know I feel that way from time to time.

Put your money where your mouth is and go see Green Room in theaters!

This shit's still corny.

This is nice and all, but what I want to know is when will Schwarzenegger finally going to make King Conan?!

I think they only do that in England.

Of course we can blame Ellison. Karen has absolutely no background as a writer. It's not clear why he thinks she can possibly do the job that he ostensibly hired her for.

This season of Daredevil made me appreciate The Dark Knight Returns a little more. The Sons of Batman vigilantes are portrayed as dangerous and inexperienced. And despite Frank Miller's recent turn as a neocon, I'm not so certain that we're supposed to completely side with Batman. There's that moment where an

That piece that Karen writes is so bad that it's become my favorite part of the season. I've even taken to quoting the first two sentences now and again.

Here's a tip: you can go out and get one of those stickers right now! No one will know!

I never picked up on that. Of course, it's been a long time since I've played the game. Pretty cool.

Wait, in the game or in the world of DeviantArt?

My creative writing teacher in college used to have this story about this Quincy script he wrote while trying to get gigs out in Hollywood back in the day. Apparently, he came up with a pretty clever way for Quincy to finger the murderer (I forget exactly how). He sent in the script and was rejected. A year later,

Great. Now I'm going to have that Mayhem song stuck in my head all day.

What happened to Ana Gasteyer over at SNL that forced her to change her name to Kathryn Hahn in order to get movie roles?

Were there any gay characters in the expanded universe? I need some help here, Reposted Wookiepedia.

Wilmore seemed to lose the room the moment he went after Wolf Blitzer. But he was absolutely right. CNN seems to think that Blitzer's monotone somehow signals gravitas, and the guy can't ask follow up questions to save his life. I'm pretty sure I heard some boos coming from the crowd.