
Is it just me, or does Newswire post an unreasonable number of Blink-182 related stories? In an average year, I don't think I hear or read about Blink-182 anywhere but on the AV Club. What is going on here?

Cocaine. The answer is always cocaine.

Stop trying to make Jack Ryan happen. It's not going to happen.

I bet Superman's the kind of person who would pronounce the name of a foreign city with an accent just to prove how cosmopolitan he is.

Please don't.

I'd like to see Punisher out on the open road The Hulk/Fugitive style. It's time to finally get out of New York City.

I have to give this episode props for opening up with the great Desmond Dekker song, "Israelites."

For me, Laika has surpassed Pixar as the best American animation studio. These days I think they take far more risks, and I'm surprised they don't get more credit for it from critics.

This is the most epic nerdfight I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

So you're saying that Frank Castle is a faithful adaptation of his comic book character?

I've always wondered if binge watching actually covers up some of the problems with TV shows. I don't binge watch, and I notice that I tend to be less forgiving of shows than others on here.

I hate you.

I almost never binge watch shows, but I went through The First Day of Camp in two days. There was just something about the opening chords of "Jane" that made me want to watch the next episode. It became Pavlovian.

It probably bothers me more than it should, but, yeah, it sticks in my craw every time I hear or read it. I haven't come across the word for a while so I was hoping it had gone the way of "as if!"' and "the bomb!"

Damn straight.

Can we just finally retire the word "natch"?

Pamela Anderson still waiting patiently for a Stripperella origin film.

You've got to leave something in the tank for season 3.

Early on I was ready to claim season 2 was better, but the season got really shaky towards the end. I bet Drew Goddard is smugly pleased with himself right now.

*SPOILERS* (kind of)