
"Why does Karen show up at the dock with the police? Is she a rookie cop now, too?"

Good to see that people still like books. They just had to get rid of all those pesky words.

I'll never believe anything Tom Hanks does again. Next you'll tell me he wasn't really stranded on that island for all those years. He at least has AIDs, right?

I had to google the name to see if this was real. The world really is an amazing place.

Upvoted for your use of footnotes.

Back there I'm sure every other kid was named Wolf, and he would have lived out his life in quiet mediocrity.

I can't wait for the weird, polarizing turn the film takes in the final act.

I'm trying to decide whether I'm going to watch this movie despite the fact that it looks incredibly stupid or because it looks incredibly stupid.

Has anyone in the news business benefited more from simply having a cool sounding name than the generally incompetent Wolf Blitzer?

I was worried that the album was a quick cash in on the GBV name so Pollard could buy more Jose Cuervo. Glad to hear that's not exactly the case.

Wake me up when they make an Exosquad movie.

In death, Prince did the impossible. He made a Great Job, Internet that's actually great.

What a shitty fucking year.

"Smith can do better than this."

The poor reviews kept me away from Tomorrowland, so I also don't know, but it did seem like an attempt at capturing that Kennedy era optimism, which I think Chabon was going for in his pitch.

I mentioned this in another part of the thread, but Michael Chabon wrote a pitch for a Fantastic Four movie that was set in a retrofuturist sixties. It's a shame it never got made.

I always liked Michael Chabon's Fantastic Four pitch, which would have taken place in a retrofuturist early 60s. This kind of hyperstylized superhero movie isn't exactly in vogue these days, but at this point it couldn't hurt to try.

If they weren't really gone, then their name would be Gone Is Gone Is Gone. Or, actually, that might mean that the band Gone Is Gone is in fact gone. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't know.


When I read "fifth estate," I thought to myself that I must have had it wrong all these years. I doubted myself, but you, sir, have shown me that I right all along. You have restored my faith in myself, and for that, I thank you.