
Jesus Christ, that commercial is frightening.

Is this the guy who has a monkey for a pet?

I think it's called being a dick.

It was true for Burton and Nolan, but I would hardly call Schumacher's films an auteurist take on the material like I have in mind, since he was clearly hired by WB to make the films lighter in tone. Snyder's doing his own thing, but when Affleck takes the reigns he's going to have his hands tied by the larger "DC

Batman is one character where it would be kind of cool if they rebooted him every decade or so. I would love if a new director got to put their own spin on another trilogy without having to be beholden to some sort of shared cinematic universe. Warner Brothers aren't going to let that happen, but at the very least, it


"Hurry up with my damn croissant" was pretty damn funny. I don't know why it became a point of criticism. But when he tried to conflate the struggle for equal rights with his relationships with women, it just got silly.

I really don't know why they even give you the option for the poison toppings.

I've only listened to it twice, but, yeah, my takeaway has been that it pales in comparison to the last couple of albums. You could kind of ignore the corny rapping on Yeezus, because West was pushing his sound into new directions. But here, it's a little more difficult to stomach Kanye's rapping.

The fact that Marsters so enthusiastically plugged this film just goes to show what an immense acting talent he is.

I say go see it so you can be part of the conversation. It's not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. It has some real script problems. If you stop and think about the plot, then it becomes clear that the events of the film don't logically flow from one to the other. And the motivations of the characters

I believe it alternates every year, which means that first sentence is probably inaccurate.

This is how far ahead of its time Blade was. Not only did it start off the superhero movie trend, but it also knew right away how tedious origin stories were going to get, so it skipped right over it.

And I'm fine with that, but it does kind of make it difficult to seriously discuss vigilantism.

Raimi's films are filled with weird, quirky humor. And I loved that he never abandoned that approach, even when he was helming a massively budgeted summer blockbuster.

Hide quick, before the internet hive mind finds you.

It angers me any time Blade is passed over when talking about the current superhero renaissance.

It's not a deal breaker for me. I just think it usually comes off as silly. There are exceptions. Watchmen, of course, does a nice job of it and so does The Dark Knight Returns, but they're not afraid of making superheroes look like fascist nutjobs.

I'd still go to bat for Donnie Darko, but the others are spot on.
