
I was actually having a conversation the other day about how many badass women in rock there are these days. Granted, I think riot grrrl and the 90s paved the way. For far too long, rock and roll was a boy's club. (That's not to say that there weren't great female musicians and vocalists who deserve to be in the Rock

I'm fine with a fantasy story where the superheroes never kill, as unlikely as that is, and the vigilante angle is only alluded to. I can also take a hard boiled Punisher story where he has no compunction about killing. But when superhero stories try to "seriously" discuss vigilantism, they mostly just sound kind of

What's kind of sad about this dumb movie is that the actors really put their trust in the Farrelly Brothers. They had a couple of hits, so I'm sure the actors thought they were in good hands. Maybe they should have turned tail and fled after they saw the script, but I'm sure they thought to themselves, "I guess these

This review kind of sums up why I just can't take superhero stories seriously when they try to "interrogate the ethics of vigilantism." They have to mercilessly twist the narrative to make sure that the vigilante doesn't actually hurt any innocents.

AV Club watches nazisploitation so you don't have to.

I was really hoping that Franco was going to respect the integrity of the original.

I weirdly enough was having a conversation the other day where everyone pretty much agree that this was the best season of the show.

That's a pretty good argument for maybe transitioning to a dictatorship.

Because you have the word Bizarro in your name, I'm just going to assume you mean the opposite of what you just wrote.

Old Jackie Chan has become a villain that young Jackie Chan would have beat up in one of his movies.

The Spider Man 2 Joel McHale. I miss that guy.

If he has a BFG, then he should make easy work of the evil giants that show up at the end of the trailer.

They were going to upgrade Earth's military technology, but all those billions ended up going straight into the F-35 fighter jet.

Perhaps the most unrealistic thing about this sequel so far is that after the events of the first film, Thomas Whitmore wasn't granted a lifetime term as president of Earth. Yes, for saving the planet, but mostly for that kickass speech.

What does Slowpoke Rodriguez think about this?

People just assume that Miller is siding with Batman, but I do think there are moments where he explicitly asks us to question Batman's fascism. Take for instance the man on the street interview where the random interviewee excitedly hopes that Batman "goes after the homos next." Miller's descent into self-parody has

Fingers crossed that the Flash movie is just two hours of Barry Allen on a Friday night drinking IPAs by himself and watching the origin videos of other superheroes on Youtube.

Absolutely. And the problem with believing that terrorists are these ultrapowerful super villains who will destroy our way of life is that it helps justify fear of others and the disintegration of civil rights.

Netflix cast Gerard Depardieu, because he's a good deal. Hiring him, you get the equivalent of two actors for the price of one.

"ISIL and other extremists are probably a greater threat to the U.S. than the Soviet Union was in 1983"