
I missed the BTTF connection. What was it?

I've never really understood the complaint. Sure, it's campy and a little absurd, but the film is also self-aware that this is campy and a little absurd. This kind of over-the-top stuff has been a part of Indiana Jones since at least Temple of Doom.

I actually do want a fifth Indiana Jones movie. I also hope they keep the sci-fi elements from Crystal Skull! And I thought that nuking the fridge was an amusing, tongue-in-cheek homage to the serial cliffhangers that got us on this crazy Indian Jones train to begin with!!

I want to know how he got that eye patch, goddamnit!

That's the first thing that came to mind to me as well. I had terrible flashbacks to watching Foodfight while sitting through that preview—the blatant commercalism, the unfunny jokes, the ugly, ugly unfinished animation. I guess what I'm trying to say is, watching Foodfight was kind of like my Vietnam.

At least the audience was in the same state of mind as the film's director, writers, and voice actors.

HBO are smacking their heads, realizing what the ratings would have been like for this show if they had only named it Tits and Dragons.

It's almost as if different hair styles become more and less popular over time.

Ever since discovering this site, I've spent far too much time watching these videos. I think 400 Blows is my current favorite. Also, the music sinks up really well to the ending of The Dark Knight Rises, especially when Alfred gives Bruce Wayne a nod of the head when he sees him at the cafe.

So it's looking like the consensus is, check out Beerfest, skip the fish movie.

This lawsuit is looking like it'll be far more entertaining than that new Star Trek movie.

Remember when Clark Kent left the Daily Planet so he could start his own blog?

My guess is that they'll just ignore this stuff. But, yeah, it was a stupid moment. Couldn't they have just made Khan transport to some ship in orbit?

I'll give these jokers one more chance, and if Beefest is any good, then maybe I'll even see that salmon restaurant one.

I actually liked the first Trek reboot, but loathed the second one. I'm hoping against common sense that this third film is going to turn things around. I don't even mind that they've made Trek some big sci fi spectacle, since the more thoughtful stuff belongs on television (and we're getting a show anyways). I guess

I bailed on these guys after Club Dread was kind of disappointing. So I'm asking you, internet, are any of their other movies worthwhile?

"McKay seems to have committed so deeply to his superb Orson Welles impression that he’s now taken to playing Welles in the kind of Biblical cheapie the film icon would have done for a paycheck in the latter part of his career."

Fingers crossed that this will be a double bill with 30 Odd Foot of Grunts.

You're right. They're basically sacrificing better quality films in the hopes that they make the fan base happy. The Hunger Games movies aren't terrible, but they have the feel of adaptations.

"Director Danny Boyle and screenwriter John Hodge do everything readers hate when their favorite books make it to the screen—they cut out storylines, they eliminated supporting characters, they combined multiple characters into one pastiche—and in every instance, their drastic change was an improvement."