
You would think that the studio would be okay with keeping the Abramsverse different from what they have going on in the series. It solves some headaches with continuity, and both the films and the television show can do their own thing. Maybe setting them in different universes might be confusing, but because they

The last thing you want in a captain is someone who overacts!

I approve. As an actress, Bassett's an underused asset, and Strange Days showed that she could be a real badass in a sci-fi environment.

How are you going to get Boo Radley to walk and talk? And on a stage no less!

I wish I could find it again, but the guy posts like dozens of stuff a day, and there's slim chances that I would even find it while sifting through his history.

Deadpool 2: Mo Meta Mo Problems

Also, the entire thing was written in an imaginary dialogue between the concerned Deadpool fan and this ditzy parent character. It was great.

Some dude I'm Facebook friends with and I kind of knew in high school posts Deadpool memes relatively frequently. My favorite was a recent post where the author very solemnly explains to a potential parent why they should not take their child to see the new Deadpool film. It is not for children, you see.

Oh, comic books. Don't ever change.

What the hell is going on with that image of Captain America? Did he just get boob implants?

You could explain away some of this with the replicator, but this also really takes away the sense that they are stuck out in an uncharted part of space with limited resources. Also, I looked it up, and it turns out that over the course of the series, they lost fifteen shuttlecraft! I had no clue it was that many. I

Yeah, but they also apparently had unlimited photon torpedoes and lost multiple shuttlecraft that kept on reappearing. It's been a long time since I tried to watch Voyager (I suffered through four or five seasons), but I always thought it was a lost opportunity. I know the show had its fans, but to me it always felt

"I don't know what you've got planned for tonight, Homer, but count me out"

When I saw them live on the last tour,Pollard started off funny drink and then started to veer into scary drunk. And I've seen youtube clips that are far worse than what I witnessed, so I think Pollard's drinking is a pretty safe bet.

Stop playing with my emotions, Robert Pollard!

I'm pretty certain we're supposed to be snarky and cynical around here.

I'm not sure who I'm supposed to feel worse for in this situation: Elton John or The Killers.

I'm pretty sure they also gave us the same line about returning the series to its roots when Enterprise came out. I recently watched the series after avoiding it for years, and you're right that it has problems, but I enjoyed it more than I though I would. At the very least the show did a better job than Voyager at

I bet that Nicki Minaj is pissed that revelations that she was fired and rehired by various local Red Lobsters in her youth didn't have a similar effect.

I took it as code for, "Those fanboys morons will be placated with this illusory gesture towards 'authenticity.'"